Thursday, July 14, 2011

Proposal: Fixing the Stickybomb machine

Timed out 3 votes to 7 (Yoda and Kitty’s votes are ignored as they are idle). Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 17 Jul 2011 02:20:01 UTC

If the proposal “Sticky Situation” fails, this proposal does nothing.

Replace the text of the last paragraph of “Altar of Mayhem” with the following:

The Gladiator attached to a StickyBomb may fob it off on another Gladiator (except the Gladiator that fobbed that StickyBomb off on him) in an adjacent Square; to do so, he posts a comment to the StickyBomb Post saying so.  He ceases to be attached to the StickyBomb and the other Gladiator becomes attached to it.

At each Turn Boundary, if a single Gladiator has been continuously attached to the StickyBomb since the last Turn Boundary, the StickyBomb explodes, causing him to Die (any Gladiator may update the GNDT and Arena wiki page to reflect this).  When a Gladiator attached to a StickyBomb Dies, the last 2 Gladiators to fob that StickyBomb off onto another Gladiator are each awarded a Frag and the StickyBomb ceases to exist; this should be noted in a comment to the StickyBomb Post (at which point the StickyBomb post ceases to be a StickyBomb post and can be unstickied).

If the Gladiator attached to the StickyBomb dies for any reason other than the StickyBomb exploding, the StickyBomb simply ceases to exist, a comment should be noted to this effect in the StickyBomb post, and the StickyBomb post ceases to be a StickyBomb post and can be unstickied.

List of changes:
- no tagbacks (rather than immunity once you fob it off on someone else)
- explicit updating of gamestate documents when the stickybomb explodes
- last 2 gladiators to fob get a frag
- dying with the stickybomb causes it to disappear (yes, this means someone can destroy a stickybomb by killing themselves)



14-07-2011 18:18:07 UTC

for Though I’d change the last paragraph as it will lead to suicides to prevent others from getting the sticky-bomb frags.


14-07-2011 18:18:27 UTC

I reverted your moves, btw. You entered into a non-empty Square.


14-07-2011 20:35:16 UTC



14-07-2011 23:47:35 UTC



15-07-2011 00:01:12 UTC

against I disagree with “no tagbacks (rather than immunity once you fob it off on someone else)”, as stickybombs as that makes StickyBombs pretty hopeless.  And don’t think a taser will help make it useful, since a player won’t have AP until they refresh.


15-07-2011 01:38:20 UTC

aguydude: Can you please rephrase your last sentence?  I don’t see how tasers are not useful with stickybombs.


15-07-2011 02:30:04 UTC

@Yoda: “At each Turn Boundary, if a single Gladiator has been continuously attached to the StickyBomb since the last Turn Boundary, the StickyBomb explodes”

So, someone attaches a stickybomb to you.  You get tazed and have 0 AP.  You wait until the next turn boundary (you haven’t been continuous attached since last turn boundary, so no explosion).  You still have 0 AP, but have not refreshed.  Thus, you are effectively immune to tazing.  You step 3 times and attach the Stickybomb to someone within those 3 steps.  And 3 steps is a pretty large distance to move.  A player in the exact center of the board can become adjacent to anyone on the board (ignoring stuff that is in their way) within 3 steps.


15-07-2011 02:37:18 UTC

against  per aguydude.  The immunity is a way to ensure that the bomb will eventually go off unless its holder gets himself killed first.


15-07-2011 02:52:13 UTC

I would agree with aguydude, except that this is true even without the fix proposal.  I was going to impose a time limit (say 4 turns or 2 weeks), but I thought that would bog down the proposal.  If you want, you can propose something like that, but don’t vote down a perfectly good fix proposal based on a flaw that the original proposal had.


15-07-2011 02:53:36 UTC

Basically, the worst that could happen after this fix proposal is that a stickybomb gets passed around for a while until someone makes a proposal to impose a timer.


15-07-2011 03:15:19 UTC

Or you could make a random chance that the bomb will explode when someone tries to fob it off on someone else.  Or you could impose a fob timer such that as soon as it is fobbed off for the Nth time, it explodes.  Or any combination of the above ideas.


15-07-2011 06:40:27 UTC


SingularByte: he/him

15-07-2011 08:04:31 UTC



15-07-2011 09:26:46 UTC


Prince Anduril:

15-07-2011 16:13:49 UTC

against Not sure about the last paragraph myself


16-07-2011 13:17:24 UTC


Josh: Mastermind he/they

16-07-2011 15:56:32 UTC
