Saturday, February 27, 2010

Proposal: Flavourful Dynasties are More Fun

Self-killed -Darth

Adminned at 28 Feb 2010 08:28:33 UTC

Add a new rule, Arrows:

If at least half of the EVCs on an enacted proposal contain the arrow voting icon, then the proposer of that proposal may once increase any one of their resources by 5 within 24 hours of its enactment.

If at least half of the EVCs to this proposal contain the phrase “long-term benefits”, then replace “any one of their resources by 5 within 24 hours of its enactment” with “their income by 2 within 24 hours of its enactment.

It’s been a long time since we’ve had a very flavourful dynasty. In fact, I think the last one was ais’s first dynasty. This is a variation on a rule that has appeared before.



27-02-2010 15:40:15 UTC



27-02-2010 15:41:36 UTC


Kevan: he/him

27-02-2010 15:42:00 UTC

against The EVC potential to permanently increase income this easily seems a bit powerful.


27-02-2010 16:01:53 UTC


ais523: Custodian

27-02-2010 16:10:31 UTC

against I like the idea, but that reward is way out of proportion, if you compare it to the current methods of gaining resources, and how quickly proposals can be passed. I’d be happy to support a reproposal with smaller rewards (say, 5 Coal, rather than 5 anything), no dangerous EVC, and an explanation that arrows should be used on proposals that are felt to be flavourful or have good flavour text. So good idea, but needs a better implementation.

Kevan: he/him

27-02-2010 16:16:18 UTC

Out of interest, can anyone remember how the arrows actually worked out last time? Was it very long before people started gaming the system, arrowing their friends and refusing to arrow people who were already in a strong position in-game?

redtara: they/them

27-02-2010 16:16:20 UTC

s/k against

ais523: Custodian

27-02-2010 16:34:03 UTC

@Kevan: the reward that arrows gave was hardly ever used, especially as arrow-quorum was rarely reached. The dynasty collapsed soon afterwards, for unrelated reasons. Most people tended to arrow honestly in the meantime, though (with Qwazukee being an exception; I think he arrowed everything in protest against the rule).


27-02-2010 18:18:17 UTC

The arrow should definitely NOT be referred to as a voting icon.


27-02-2010 18:25:14 UTC

@Hix: It has been in the past…


27-02-2010 18:34:50 UTC



27-02-2010 19:17:54 UTC

I don’t care whether it has been in the past.  It’s still a bad idea.

“If a Commoner uses more than one Voting Icon in comments on a Pending Proposal, his Vote is the last voting icon he uses.”


27-02-2010 20:01:54 UTC

Ah, good point.

Roujo: he/him

28-02-2010 03:34:23 UTC

against Per Hix (for the Voting Icon part) and ais523 (for the argument about rewards that are too big).