Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Proposal: Fluffy Dice

Times out 2-3 and fails. -Bucky

Adminned at 02 Jan 2015 09:08:32 UTC

In the rule “Orbital Dockyards”, replace “If a Shuttle’s Orbit contains an Orbital Dockyard, that Shuttle may spend 1 tonne of any Saleable Substance to replace one of their own XDICEY Thrusters with an ADICEB Thruster, where “A” and “B” are positive integers whose sum is equal to “X” plus “Y”.” with:-

If a Shuttle’s Orbit contains an Orbital Dockyard, that Shuttle may spend 1 tonne of any Saleable Substance to either:

  • Replace one of their own XDICEY Thrusters with an ADICEB Thruster, where “A” and “B” are positive integers whose sum is equal to “X” plus “Y”.
  • Replace one of their own XDICEY Thrusters with an XDICEB Thruster, where “B” is one greater than “Y”.
  • Gain a DICE4 Thruster.



31-12-2014 05:47:39 UTC

against .  I would prefer if the thruster retooling and third thruster should come from different structures.  And the third thruster should be substantially more expensive than one tonne ice.


31-12-2014 17:25:04 UTC



31-12-2014 23:37:48 UTC



01-01-2015 00:22:22 UTC

for We all need more thrusters.