Proposal: Follow up
Timed out. Passed—Clucky
Adminned at 20 Aug 2007 10:53:15 UTC
If the proposal “Items Again” does not pass, this proposal does nothing.
After the first paragraph of the rule “Items” add
If a monkey in the monkey barrel has any items, e and all of eir items should be listed in a section of the monkey dynasty gamestate documents called ‘the barrel’
Add the following after the third paragraph
Each item has a status, which is normally either “Activated” or “Deactivated”. When first added to the gamestate, items start as activated.
The description of the item dictates how often the item can be used and what happens when a monkey uses it. Unless stated other wise, each item may be used as a weekly action.
The description of the item dictates how often the item can be used and what happens when a monkey uses it. Only the monkey holding the item may use it. Once an item is used, it becomes deactivated and may not be used again until it is activated.
At the start of each week, 00:00 Sunday Morning, all deactivated items become activated.
Replace the description of the item “Banana Fountain” with
When the Banana Fountain is used, the monkey using it gains one banana. Instead of just having status “Active” and “Unactive” the fountain has possible status “Active - 3 left” “Active - 2 left” “Active - 1 left” and “Unactive”. While it may only be used once per day, the banana fountain may be used as long as its status is not “Unactive”. When it is used, is status drops one (So Active - 3 left becomes active - 2 left; active - 2 left becomes active - 1 left; and active - 1 left becomes unactive). When all of the items reset Sunday morning, the status of the banana fountain is always set to Active - 3 left regardless of its status beforehand.