Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Proposal: Food and Water

Darth has gotten ahold of the veto! The world really has ended… Oh well. At least he’s not Anthony. Although it is annoying how he’s talking in the third person. -Darth

Adminned at 25 Aug 2009 07:04:27 UTC

Add a new rule called “Food and Water”:

There exists a global number called Food, and a global number called Water. Food and Water shall both initially 50.

Add a new subrule to “Food and Water” called “Foraging and Collecting Water”:

As a weekly action, a Survivor may either Forage or Collect Water. To Collect Water, a Survivor increases the Water by DICE10. To Forage, a Survivor increases the Food by DICE10.

Add a new subrule to “Food and Water” called “Hunger and Thirst”:

Each Survivor has a Number called Hunger, and a number called Thirst. Both are tracked in the GNDT and initially 0. If a Healthy Survivor’s Thirst or Hunger is greater than 10, they take damage. If a Wounded Survivor’s Thirst or Hunger is greater than 20, they take damage.

As a weekly action, a Survivor may either Eat or Drink. To Eat, a Survivor decreases the Food by DICE5 and eir own Hunger by DICE5. To Drink, a Survivor decreases the Water by DICE5 and eir own Thirst by DICE5.

Yes, currently Hunger and Thirst do not ever increase. We can propose that later on.


arthexis: he/him

25-08-2009 13:58:09 UTC

against It should instead say that when their hunger “becomes” 10, they take damage. However, that on itself has issues. Also perhaps it’s too much detail to track two stats for that? PErhaps just a generic stamina stat for all physical needs?


25-08-2009 14:02:05 UTC

Per arthexis, I am doing an author imperial ; because of “If the Leader casts a vote of DEFERENTIAL on a proposal, it serves the purpose of cancelling any previous vote on that proposal that was cast by the Leader.” in Rule 1.4, this means that I have abstained from my own proposal.


25-08-2009 14:03:30 UTC

Actually, author veto  because I want to try out the veto. Also, I want to repropose this. But mostly just the veto.