Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Proposal: For the not too math savvy (like myself)

Self-killed.  Brendan

Adminned at 22 Jun 2007 08:56:38 UTC

Change the entry in Facilities from

Each Corporation also has a Production value, calculated from other parts of the gamestate. A Corporation may, at any time, set its Production value to the square of the number of Factories it controls.

to read

Each Corporation also has a Production value, calculated from other parts of the gamestate. A Corporation may, at any time, set its Production value to the square of the number of Factories it controls(i.e the number of factories multiplied by the number of factories equals the production).


Brendan: he/him

20-06-2007 21:04:31 UTC

An e.g. would be better than an i.e., I think.


21-06-2007 00:03:28 UTC


Clucky: he/him

21-06-2007 03:28:34 UTC


Do we need to define addition next? <_<. Or what about people who do not have an 8th grade level of English and thus do not understand some larger words? Do we need to define every word over eight letters in length?

This is supposed to be an intelligent game for intelligent people. People who are at least smart enough to, if they do not know a term, google it. If we start defining everything just because someone isn’t “blah savvy” the rule set will get needlessly complicated.

I can under stand mentioning how to calculate say, Standard Deviation in the rule set, but defining square? You don’t need to be “Math Savvy” to know how to calculate the square of a number. You just need to have taken basic highschool mathematics.


21-06-2007 03:36:31 UTC

I don’t think it’s necessary, but it can’t hurt.


21-06-2007 04:38:11 UTC

It just seemed unclear enough that in this case it seemed to be a decent idea.

Kevan: he/him

21-06-2007 09:47:01 UTC

against Sloppy wording, and I’m feeling paranoid this morning.

Brendan: he/him

21-06-2007 10:12:20 UTC

against Alternate version above.


21-06-2007 15:04:54 UTC


Josh: he/they

22-06-2007 11:52:55 UTC



22-06-2007 15:51:51 UTC

A better idea is being voted on for this same issue.