Proposal: Formula 1, Formula 2, etc.
Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.
Adminned at 29 Sep 2023 23:56:04 UTC
In the subrule “Sports Resolution” add the following text:
If the Method of Resolution of a Sport is a Secret Element, the Bookie should secretly create and track one or more mathematical formulas as the Method of Resolution to determine the Outcome of a Sporting Event for that Sport. Each such formula should use at least one of the following as inputs:
* The Public Qualities (if any) of the Participants in the Sporting Event
* The Private Qualities (if any) of the Participants in the Sporting Event
* The Dominance (if it exists) of the Participants in the Sporting Event
* One or more privately-tracked variables, each with a type and valid ranges determined by the Bookie when creating the Method of Resolution for that Sport. The values of these variables are secretly-randomly selected by the Bookie during each resolution of a Sporting Event for that Sport.If any Sport has an existing Method of Resolution that is a Secret Element but is not a set of formulas as described above, the Bookie should replace that Method of Resolution with said formulas.
In the subrule “Nomich” add the following bullet before the bullet “Secret Element”:
* Public Quality: Scores for Sleight of Hand and Intimidation, each of which must be between 1 and 12.
In the subrule “ClingBoom” add the following bullet before the bullet “Secret Element”:
* Public Quality: Scores for Hit Points and Shields, each of which must be between 1 and 4.
In the subrule “Giolitti” add the following bullet before the bullet “Secret Element”:
* Public Quality: Scores for Popolare, Ingannevole, and Rabbia, each of which must be between 1 and 10.
In the subrule “Boxing” add the following bullet before the bullet “Secret Element”:
* Public Quality: Scores for Strength, Stamina, and Speed, each of which must be between 1 and 6.
In the subrule “Blogbots” replace the bullet beginning with “* Private Quality” with this bullet:
* Private Quality: A Botscript, which is a list of three numbers, each of which must be between 1 and 4, and which may be repeated in the list.
Remove all Track Record values for all Participants of every Sport.
I added removing all of the Track Record values because the Participants’ Track Records are going to change significantly if this is enacted, so they should be regenerated.
I also deliberately left Meddling alone for a separate Proposal.
This also includes Josh’s proposed Dominance, with wording that simply allows its use if it exists.
Do we really want to change all the sports’ mechanics yet again?