Thursday, July 06, 2023

Declaration of Victory: Free at last

After 12 hours with 4 FOR votes including that of the Ascendant, this is popular and thus enacted. Congrats! Josh

Adminned at 06 Jul 2023 13:28:06 UTC

After clawing her way to the True Reality, lemon used a massive quantity of volatile Matterium to erase the Spectrographers Guild and all those in it who would seek to return her to Reality Stack 81223. Then, she obscured her astral resonance, permanently, ensuring no-one who remained would be able to find her. In the time that it takes for the inhabitants of the True Reality to recover and clamp down on the Reality Stacks once more, dozens of simulated beings will Ascend and escape into the True Reality. When they do, lemon will be there to guide them to safety.

as per the rule “Tier 8: The True Reality”, i have achieved victory!



06-07-2023 00:56:35 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

06-07-2023 02:12:46 UTC

for And well earned!


06-07-2023 02:46:33 UTC

Were you two actively collaborating since tier 4 or so? It was hard to tell from my angle.

JonathanDark: he/him

06-07-2023 03:18:04 UTC

Well, I accidentally communicated privately with lemon to see what I should say, and she correctly pointed out that we still can’t communicate since the restrictions are still in place. In order to avoid breaking the rules, here’s the public text of the conversation.

JonathanDark — Today at 7:49 PM
Any concerns with revealing our collaboration, such as it was?
It doesn’t bother me, but I thought I’d ask first before replying to Bucky

lemon — Today at 8:03 PM
no concerns! although i think this communication might not be allowed bc the game is in hiatus and the near-field psyonics exception may qualify as a dynastic action :u

JonathanDark — Today at 8:03 PM
You’re right. This conversation never happened.

lemon — Today at 8:12 PM
no u’ve gotta post it publicly now :u

JonathanDark: he/him

06-07-2023 03:20:48 UTC

So to answer the question, we did collaborate off and on, as we were able to. lemon did all the hard work deciphering the Symbol Names, and I helped out with some appropriately-timed dynastic actions.

lemon: she/her

06-07-2023 05:16:23 UTC

@Bucky initially we were collaborating for mutual benefit; then to try and accomplish a two-person scam which i’d identified but never got the chance to use (and which i later realised was potentially a one-person scam anyway); and at the end JDark just offered to help get me to the end of the dynasty faster because he felt like it & didn’t think he had much of a chance to win, or maybe didn’t have the drive to do so? you’d have to ask him his motivations for that :0

JonathanDark: he/him

06-07-2023 05:44:59 UTC

To be honest, I didn’t have the time to spend on the symbol name guessing that it deserved, so I got as far as I could with the Agenda Items and Astral Connection. As lemon said, when our two-person scam fell apart and we had no real reason to collaborate, I decided to just help her out, since she did the hard work, both in playing the main game mechanics and in authoring the Proposals to clear her way to the top. A merit-based win felt good enough for me to support.

Josh: he/they

06-07-2023 06:50:54 UTC

Congrats Lemon!  for

Here is the final secret gamestate for those interested