Monday, September 12, 2005

Proposal: Free Market


Adminned at 12 Sep 2005 17:19:46 UTC

If Proposal: Market didn’t pass, this Proposal does nothing.

Add a Free Market Sub rule to Market, before Order Processing:

If a Country has no pending Free Market Orders, that country may issue a Free Market Order, by Posting it at the top of the Commodities Market Discussion page (at

A Free Market Order must have the following format:

(BUY/SELL) Free Order from ~~~~ to (Target Country)
NN of (Commodity 1) at H$ XX
NN of (Commodity 2) at H$ XX
NN of (Commodity N) at H$ XX

The trailing four tildes (~~~~) are obligatory and will be rendered by the Wiki software as the name of the Country posting the order and the time of that posting.

The Target Country must not be the same as the Country posting the Order.

The price (H$ XX) at which the trade is offered must not be different by more than 10% (in either direction) from the last Market Position for that Commodity.

The Target Country may signalize their acceptation or rejection of the trade by editing the Order post with an entry in this format:

(Accepted/Rejected) ~~~~

Rewrite Order Processing, so it reads:

Market Orders can either be Pending, Closed, or Failed. When a Market Order is first posted, it is considered Pending.

The Hegemonist will process the Pending Market Orders in the same chronological order they were posted.

The Hegemonist will Close a non-Free Buy Order if e has enough Stock of the listed Commodities. E will then transfer an amount of H$ from the Buying Country to emself and the corresponding amount of Commodities from emself to the Buying Country.

The Hegemonist will Close a non-Free Sell Order if the Selling Country has enough Stock of the listed Commodities. E will then transfer an amount of H$ from emself to the Selling Country and the corresponding amount of Commodities from the Selling Country to emself.

The Hegemonist will Close a Free Market Order if the Selling Country has enough Stock of the listed Commodities and the Target Country has accepted the trade. Note that the Selling Country will be the same as the Target Coutry for Buy Free Orders. E will then transfer an amount of H$ from the Buying Country to the Selling Country and the corresponding amount of Commodities from the Selling Country to the Buying Country.

The amount of H$ to be transferred by the Hegemonist when closing Market Orders will accord to the last Market Position posted before the posting of the order for non-Free Market Orders or to the price posted on the Order for Free Market Orders.

The Hegemonist will Fail a Market Order if any condition for Closing is not met. E will also fail a Free-Market Order if that order is Pending for more than 24 hours and the Target Country has neither Accepted or Rejected it. E will fine the Country who posted the Failed Order by an amount of H$ equal to 5% (five percent) of the total amount of H$ that would be have transferred should the Order close.



13-09-2005 00:18:46 UTC

against S-K, to go along with the other.