Proposal: Starting slow, but choose as you like.
Timed out, 7-2. Passes, with four votes to one half, but only two votes to three halves.
-Elias IX
Adminned at 28 Apr 2006 18:42:04 UTC
Enact the following in order.
Rewrite the rule Temporal Effects to read as follows:
For the purposes of game play, a Circadian Cycle is the following:
A Game Day of M hours, which is followed by a Midlight Period of R hour(s), which is followed by a Game Night of N hours, which is followed by another Midlight Period of R hour(s).
Midlight is the mysterious time between day and night, and between night and day.
This rule becomes operative after a sidebar widget indicating whether the game is in Game Day, Game Night, or Midlight Period, after which this sentence is removed.
Set M = N = 20. Set R = 4.
If there are any comments containing counted votes (from here on, known as CCCV) that contain the phrase “three halves”, set M = N = 15, and set R = 3.
If more CCCV contain the phrase “four thirds” than “three halves”, set M = N = 13â…“ and set R = 2â…”. (Please don’t choose this one?)
If more CCCV contain the phrase “three quarters” than both “four thirds” and “three halves”, not combined, then set M = N = 7.5 and set R = 1.5
If more CCCV contain the phrase “one half” than all of “three quarters”, “four thirds”, and “three halves”, not combined, then set M = N = 5 and set R = 1.
If more CCCV do not contain any of the aforementioned phrases than contain the phrase that appears most in CCCV, then set M = N = 20, and set R = 4.
Choice??? Here it is.
I hope this mechanism works for the plurality thing, but if you see any problems, I’ll repropse.
Angry Grasshopper: Idle
That’s intricate. The default values seem to work for me.