Proposal: Freeze!
Reached quorum 8-1. Enacted by card.
Adminned at 01 Jun 2017 15:41:30 UTC
Add an ability to the Military Background:-
A Military Explorer may make a public post indicating that they DRAW THEIR WEAPON. The Expedition Leader shall then confirm that the Explorer has drawn their weapon, at which point the Military Explorer is considered to be Armed (and by default, is not). If a Military Explorer is Armed, they may hold an Explorer in the same Location as them at Gunpoint, or may stop holding an Explorer at Gunpoint, by making a post announcing this. (If one Explorer is holding another at Gunpoint, this is tracked by having the first Explorer’s Location GNDT field list the second Explorer’s name. If an Explorer is being held at Gunpoint by an Explorer who is at a different Location, they stop being held at Gunpoint.) An Explorer who is being held at Gunpoint may not change their own Location, take Supplies or use Background powers.