Monday, October 12, 2009

Proposal: Freshnomic YAYY! but the rule still sucks

Self-killed (3/6 Trivial, No fine)—arth

Adminned at 13 Oct 2009 12:34:27 UTC

Create a rule named Bob: Any Google member may become a Player at any time by joining the BlogNomic Blog and by making a post that in some way communicates that he wants to become a Player.


Bucky: Idle

12-10-2009 03:37:44 UTC


Bucky: Idle

12-10-2009 03:39:38 UTC

CoV,  for Trivial

Bucky: Idle

12-10-2009 03:40:41 UTC

CoV,  against Trivial as this is about to be reproposed.

redtara: they/themIdle

12-10-2009 03:44:03 UTC

against s/k [Trivial] No [Theft] in title


12-10-2009 09:57:38 UTC

against [Trivial]

spikebrennan: Idle

12-10-2009 17:17:44 UTC

against [Trivial]