Thursday, February 08, 2007

Proposal: Front Page Material

Failed by Hix

Adminned at 09 Feb 2007 13:50:53 UTC

Following the list of Gossip Stories in Rule 2.3, the following shall be added:

Any effects incurred by a Gossip Story on an Actor shall be amplified by an Amplification Quotient, when possible. This Quotient shall equal the square root of the Fame of the Actor rounded to the nearest integer, unless the Actor in question’s Fame is equal to zero, in which case the Quotient shall equal 1.

This is to represent the fact that more famous actors are affected more by gossip than less famous actors. The “when possible” in the first sentence is intended to exempt effects that cannot be mathmatically multiplied.


snowballinhell7001: Idle

08-02-2007 20:59:48 UTC


Angry Grasshopper: Idle

08-02-2007 21:08:57 UTC



Cosmologicon: Idle

08-02-2007 21:12:46 UTC


Amnistar: he/himIdle

08-02-2007 21:28:22 UTC


Hix: Idle

08-02-2007 21:36:14 UTC

Any effects incurred by a Gossip Story, eh?  I’m worried that will be too vague.  I think that authors of Proposals introducing such effects can decide to what extent Fame matters. against

spikebrennan: Idle

08-02-2007 21:38:48 UTC

like hix against

Kevan: he/himIdle

08-02-2007 21:39:51 UTC

against We should define some effects incurred by a gossip story, first. (And what does “amplified” mean, anyway? Multiplied? Added?)

ChinDoGu: Idle

08-02-2007 21:41:42 UTC


Angry Grasshopper: Idle

08-02-2007 21:42:08 UTC

Mmm, now that Kevan points it out, ‘amplified’ isn’t really well-defined either. What operation did you mean, Snowballinhell7001?

snowballinhell7001: Idle

08-02-2007 21:43:54 UTC


snowballinhell7001: Idle

08-02-2007 21:52:11 UTC


alethiophile: Idle

08-02-2007 22:19:12 UTC

against Too vague, though it’s a good idea.

snowballinhell7001: Idle

08-02-2007 22:36:11 UTC

If I had intended addition I would have said “augmented” instead of “amplified.”

viewtyjoe: Idle

09-02-2007 03:18:18 UTC


Excalabur: Idle

09-02-2007 06:54:36 UTC

i agree with the mapping ‘amplified
|-> multiplication’.


Josh: he/they

09-02-2007 09:29:23 UTC

I think that the use of amplified is clear enough.  for

Kevan: he/himIdle

09-02-2007 10:49:39 UTC

It’s a fair enough mapping, but I don’t think it’s obvious enough that every single present and future player will read the same interpretation of it.

ChinDoGu: Idle

09-02-2007 10:52:25 UTC

I’m sorry, but in my opinion we shouldn’t have to look at something and say does he man x or y.  If we have to something is undefined.  Amplified could mean to the power of for all I know.  If your going to play with numbers you need to define your teams or use terms with commonly accepted definitions.

ChronosPhaenon: Idle

09-02-2007 12:44:02 UTC


snowballinhell7001: Idle

09-02-2007 15:01:50 UTC

SK:  against
I’ll repropose as soon as I am able (i.e. When Gender Un-neutral Gossip can be failed).

spikebrennan: Idle

09-02-2007 16:30:50 UTC

Also, as you’ve demonstrated in your initial comment above, the list of possible mathematic effects is limited.  So I’d suggest simply including the Fame-AQ table as part of the proposed Rule, rather than talk about square roots and rounding.