Proposal: Fun For All The Family [Core] [Special Case] [Appendix]
Reached quorum 8 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 06 Nov 2022 09:31:19 UTC
Change the term “Visitor” to “Group” in all non-dynastic rules. Change the word “players” to “Visitors” in the rule called “Plaza”, if it exists.
Then add a new dynastic rule before all other dynastic rules, called “Visitors”:-
Each Group controls a number of Visitors, the Names of which are publicly tracked. Each such Visitor has a publicly tracked Name, which is flavour text and consists of a single-word Forename and single-word Surname.
Where a rule defines an action as being taken by a Visitor, it may be taken by the Group that controls it, on that Visitor’s behalf.
If a Group contains fewer than four Visitors, that Group may create a new Visitor with a Name of the Group’s choice which is different from all other Visitor Names (including Visitors belonging to idle Groups), under their control. The Proprietor may not create a Visitor in this way if they already control a Visitor.
We’re probably going to need a bigger crowd at the carnival, if we want to do interesting things with queues. Having each player control multiple visitors (and the Proprietor control just one, representing themselves) would be a way to do that.
Benbot: he/him