Monday, January 18, 2010

Proposal: Functions of Roles (first proposed batch)

Self-killed, failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 19 Jan 2010 11:39:37 UTC

If there is a rule entitled “Roles”, add a subrule entitled “Functions of Roles” with text as follows:

Certain Roles have certain powers associated with them.  Unless expressly specified below, a power associated with a Role may only be exercised while the lights are on and while the Guest exercising that power is not Dormant.  The powers that are associated with particular Roles are cumulative with actions that a Guest may otherwise take.

Cook.  The Cook exercises lordly authority over the Kitchen.  If the Cook is in the Kitchen then the Cook may “expel” all non-Servants from the Kitchen.  In this case, “expel” means that the Cook causes each affected Guest who is in the Kitchen to be moved to a Room selected by the Cook to which that Guest could have voluntarily moved (including, in the case of each affected Dormant Guest, a Room to which that Guest could have voluntarily Moved if that Guest were not Dormant), whereupon each such affected Guest may not return to the Kitchen for 24 hours.

Admiral.  The Admiral is blessed with nerves of steel.  Whether or not the lights are on, if at any time the Admiral becomes Stunned, the Admiral may change his state from Stunned to Healthy.

Film Director.  The Film Director is a keen observer of human behavior.  Once every 48 hours, if the Film Director is in a room with at least two other Guests, the Film Director may contact the Executor by private telegram, specifying the names of two other Guests who are in the same room with the Film Director and stating that he is observing them.  Following the receipt of that private telegram, the Executor must privately truthfully reply to the Film Director, stating which of those two specified Guests has the lower degree of relation to Lord Cartlesham.

Attorney.  The Attorney has a brilliant legal mind.  Once every 96 hours, if the Attorney is in the Library (regardless of whether any other Guests are in the Library), the Attorney may contact the Executor by private telegram, specifying the names of two other Guests and stating that he is researching them.  Folowing the receipt of that private telegram, the Executor must privately truthfully reply to the Attorney, stating which of those two specified Guests has the lower degree of relation to Lord Cartlesham.

Dowager.  The Dowager has a voracious appetite for gossip.  Once every 48 hours, the Dowager may contact the Executor by private telegram, stating that she is gossiping.  Folowing the receipt of that private telegram, the Executor must privately truthfully reply to the Dowager, naming two Guests specified by the Executor in the Executor’s discretion and stating which of them has the lower degree of relation to Lord Cartlesham.

Aristocrat.  The Aristocrat treats his social inferiors with a casual contempt.  The Aristocrat may “expel” all non-dormant Servants and Tradesmen from the Room in which the Aristocrat is located.  In this case, “expel” means that the Aristocrat causes each affected Guest who is in the relevant Room to be moved to a Room selected by the Aristocrat to which that Guest could have voluntarily moved, whereupon each such affected Guest may not return to the Room from which they were expelled for 24 hours.

Judge.  The Judge exercises potent authority over cases that are brought before him.  If at any time there is a Crisis where the proposed action is expressly limited to changing the state of a single named Guest (such as a Crisis proposing to change the state of a particular Guest to “Restrained”), then the Judge’s vote counts double with respect to that Crisis.

Physician.  The Physician is a gifted healer.  If the Physician is in the same room as a Guest who is Wounded (other than the Physician himself), then as a daily action, the Physician may change that Guest’s state to Healthy.

Handyman.  The Handyman is frequently called upon to engage in repairs throughout the mansion.  If the lights are off, the handyman may still move as if the lights were on.

Providing some proposed functions to certain roles.  I imagine that every named Role will eventually have some kind of special power.  These are generally limited to movement, genaeology and health state because these functions are, at present, the game mechanics that appear to be the most settled.  I am expressly including my own role, “cook” in the batch lest someone think that I am merely trying to paint a target on specified other Guests.



18-01-2010 17:02:43 UTC



18-01-2010 17:11:09 UTC



18-01-2010 17:11:47 UTC

The Aristocrat is overpowered. He can repeatedly use his power to expel guests from rooms, following them and continually barring them from the rooms he sent them to until they are effectively trapped.


18-01-2010 17:13:18 UTC

imperial Can the handyman move as if the lights were on, or does the handyman start with a flashlight? Should the gossiping Dowager be forced to share received information from the Executor with a gossipee?


18-01-2010 17:13:25 UTC

CoV against  per Anonyman.


18-01-2010 17:17:10 UTC

Perhaps the Aristocrat could seek the company of only the gentry? Or self-expel, rather than expel others.


18-01-2010 17:23:02 UTC

for The first amendment will definitely be about restricting the Cook’s and Aristocrat’s power.


18-01-2010 17:24:51 UTC

(Writing at the same time as DC -> Kneuronak)

Roujo: he/him

18-01-2010 17:40:24 UTC

against Per Anonyman


18-01-2010 17:46:41 UTC

Damn, intended for Aristocrat and Cook’s powers to be daily action.


18-01-2010 17:48:06 UTC

If nerfing the Aristocrat and Cook to make their powers a daily action is acceptable, then I’ll propose a second proposal to patch this.

The idea with powers such as the Dowagers is that she can do whatever she pleases with the information- share it, or not, as she likes.


18-01-2010 18:12:22 UTC



18-01-2010 18:17:08 UTC


I am against any proposal that gives “purpose” to some-but-not-all roles.

Kevan: he/him

18-01-2010 18:23:36 UTC

It would be very hard to craft a single proposal that created useful abilities for all 38 roles without anyone objecting to any of them. We can get there piecemeal.


18-01-2010 18:25:50 UTC

against Disadvantages me.


18-01-2010 18:53:50 UTC



18-01-2010 19:46:04 UTC

Then do it Protosal style. It’s not kosher to let certain people run around doing shit while everyone else has to sit on their hands and wait for people to acquiesce to their abilities.


18-01-2010 19:55:28 UTC

Here are some suggestions:

Vicar. As a man of the cloth, the Vicar’s presence is enough to prevent all but Lunatics from assaulting their fellow Guests, regardless of the status of the Lights.

Apothecary. Accustomed to working with chemicals and reagents, the Apothecary has built up an immunity to many compounds that would do injury to most. In any situation where Poison would normally change the Health Status of a Guest, it does not do so for the Apothecary.

Musician. “Music hath charms to sooth the savage BREAST, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.” As a daily action, the Musician may compose an Ode that will lull to Sleep even the most intractable foe.

Athlete. Being in remarkably good shape, the Athlete has an additional Health Status (above Healthy) of Vigorous.


redtara: they/them

18-01-2010 20:55:01 UTC

against Yeah, where’s my job?


18-01-2010 21:14:56 UTC

against As per NoOneImportant. I agree that we should stick with protosals on this one until we get this all settled.


18-01-2010 21:20:06 UTC

@NoOneImportant, SpikeBrennan:
I would vote for a redraft including eight or so class types. The Vicar should of course be vulnerable to attack—that would make him both a target and a protected commodity.

The apothecary is underpowered there, given that all one must do to overcome that ability would be to use a knife… Perhaps the Apothecary can also synthesize a poison or an antidote if in the basement?


18-01-2010 21:26:29 UTC

I concur. against CoV.


18-01-2010 21:29:10 UTC

against pending a reproposal.

Kevan: he/him

18-01-2010 21:49:05 UTC

Given that you’re locked in a house with a murderer, a few scattered skills today might serve you better than thirty-eight exhaustive and thoroughly-balanced skills that nobody feels left out about, in a week’s time.



18-01-2010 21:56:45 UTC

S/K.  Will repropose.


19-01-2010 03:55:56 UTC

against I have no interest in this idea.

ais523: Custodian

19-01-2010 09:40:20 UTC

against I like the idea, but it needs better balance.