Friday, August 19, 2011

Fweep: Crate and Switch

Unless I’m missing something, Josh just placed a Crate illegally - he rolled a 5 and a 4 in the GNDT, but placed the Crate at [4,3] instead.


Josh: he/they

19-08-2011 16:42:10 UTC

I really, really hate this fweep mechanic. I mean it is super not-fun.


Prince Anduril:

19-08-2011 16:43:05 UTC


Josh: he/they

19-08-2011 16:43:51 UTC

This dynasty has become Munchkin.

Kevan: he/him

19-08-2011 16:59:16 UTC

I think it’s been pretty useful for keeping the gamestate on the rails - encouraging players to make sure they get their moves right, and giving an incentive for others to spot the mistakes as quickly as possible. It’s not particularly fun, but the alternative - that players just make slapdash moves on the basis that they’re probably okay and someone else will fix it later if there’s a problem - is less fun, and it lost us a player in the early days.

I’d support a tweak to the Frag/Foul ratio - 1:1 is maybe a little harsh. And flipping it around to simply reward an attentive Fweeper without punishing the Fouler would be nice, but I can’t think of a clean way to stop the obvious “here, let me make an illegal move so that you can Fweep it” scams.

Prince Anduril:

19-08-2011 16:59:56 UTC

People just need to be really careful to not do illegal actions. Someone’s bound to win soon. Kevan’s only 2 frags away after all.


19-08-2011 17:15:54 UTC


Josh: he/they

19-08-2011 17:21:33 UTC

Prince - the fweeps are the margin of difference between victory and defeat though. I have two more frags than Kevan but am 1 point behind him, in this case just because I read a 3 as a 5 in the GNDT because I keep my monitor at maximum resolution. This is not a sensible way to arbitrate victory-  it clearly garnered me no actual benefit and in any other situation would have been quietly corrected, so why are we making it the winning margin in this game?

Once if my existing fouls is for putting “moving” ideas of “stepping” in a wiki update. Again, this us the difference between me winning and loading.

Kevan - I don’t agree that the balance is wrong but the criteria for assessing and awarding fouls is very off-kilter, giving a huge advantage to rules-lawyer behaviour.

Josh: he/they

19-08-2011 17:22:37 UTC

Apologies for typos - on a phone.

Prince Anduril:

19-08-2011 17:33:18 UTC

I do think the whole fweep system is a bit of a strange dynamic given that it effectively bypasses CfJs. I know they do different things, but most of the time someone will want to back up their action, which implies an active disagreement “as to the interpretation of the Ruleset”.

Josh: he/they

19-08-2011 17:35:48 UTC

You may be right actually Kevan. I think there are two types of foul, here. There’s the ones where a player actually breaks the rules - killing another player by dumping a vat of sis on them, for example, which is worth a one-frag penalty. Then there’s the housekeeping fouls -typos and slip-ups that, if they are to be penalised, should be penalised at a lower rate. It’s important to distinguish between them though.


19-08-2011 18:57:38 UTC

You the good old saying: A Frag, is a Frag, is a Frag,...
so: A Foul, is a Foul, is a Foul, is Foul,...

Honestly, I do see the differences in severness. However, when a player picks up the crate, and with the weapon kills someone, there is again a lot of work to restore the status quo.