Gadget Request: Mind-Control Serum
Gadget Name: Mind-Control Serum
Gadget Proposer: spikebrennan
Gadget Description:
The Agent who has this Gadget on eir list of Gadgets on the Wiki is referred to as the “owner” of this Gadget.
If the Owner of this Gadget is located in the same territory as another Agent, the Owner may send a message to the Mastermind stating that the Owner uses the Mind-Control Serum on that other Agent. The message must identify the name of the other Agent and must include the name of an Affiliation. Promptly after receiving the message, the Mastermind will contact that other Agent by appropriate means and will notify that other Agent that eir Affiliation has been changed to the Affiliation identified in the Owner’s message. The Owner does not need to know the original Affiliation of the Agent on which it is used.
Each Message sent by any Owner to the Mastermind pursuant to the previous paragraph is counted as a “use” of this Gadget. This Gadget may not be Used more than three (3) times. The number of times that this Gadget has been used will be tracked in the Gadget’s description on the wiki. Once this Gadget has been used three times, it is destroyed. Uses of this Gadget are cumulative for all Owners (for example, if A owns the Gadget and uses it twice and then B owns the Gadget, then B may only use the Gadget once, upon which it is destroyed).
Clucky: he/himIdle
How will an agent know if e shares a location with another agent? I also dislike being able to change an agents affiliation. Thats just wrong.