Saturday, August 05, 2023

Proposal: Gathering Together

enacted 4-1

Adminned at 06 Aug 2023 14:40:23 UTC

Add an Upside to the list:-

* Gather

Remove “As a daily action, a District may Gather.” from the rule “Commons”.

In that same rule, replace “* Calculate n, where n is the number of days since they last Gathered, or the number of days since the most recent Ascension Address was posted if they have yet to Gather in this dynasty” with:

* Calculate n, where n is the number of the Dilemma that they are Reacting to, minus their Calendar
* Set their Calendar to the number of the Dilemma that they are Reacting to

After “select one Consequence” and “one additional Consequence”, add:-

(other than Gathering)

Add a paragraph to the end of the rule:-

Each District has a Calendar, which is a publicly tracked number.

To “Dilemmas”, add:-

A Dilemma’s number is equal to the number of Dilemmas to have been posted before it in the dynasty, plus one.

Rolling Gathering into the Dilemmas as an event that comes along periodically, adding a little uncertainty as to when you’ll get the chance to take it again. Also putting a visible clock in the gamestate so that we know much stored up potential everyone has.


Josh: Mastermind he/they

05-08-2023 13:56:35 UTC

V reluctant about this, I’ll be honest.

Kevan: he/him

05-08-2023 14:19:22 UTC

Would be good to get into the weeds of that, if we can - whether one big action is better or worse than a lot of interchangeable at-any-time ones, and why.

I know we disagreed the last time it came up (somewhere in the Atlantean City dynasty?), but I didn’t push too hard on it because we were midway through the dynasty and I was aware that your preference for free actions might have been that you had a good scam lined up that a timing change would have blocked.

Commons Connection seems okay as a simple action you clearly can take directly before or after any other game action, but the current Gathering rule (a daily not-more-than-ten-hours action which also cares about the number of full days elapsed, making for a variety of Gather-React-Gather-Gather-Gather-React combos, some of which will pay out more than others) feels like being in a room full of differently ticking clocks and swinging pendulums, to me.


05-08-2023 19:01:56 UTC


lemon: she/her

05-08-2023 19:06:41 UTC

since Gather is an action that benefits you based on how long it’s been since you’ve last done it, it makes total sense for it to be an Upside rather than a freely-performable action imo! but i’m open to hearing Josh out, so i’ll wait until after they’ve had a chance to convince me :0

Josh: Mastermind he/they

05-08-2023 19:15:20 UTC

No, I’m not going to go to the mat on this one - I don’t love the centralisation of play in a single semi-random emperor-initiated action but that’s fine, I’ll just have to have a second idea.

An iconoclastic against

Kevan: he/him

05-08-2023 19:43:14 UTC

Is the parallel timing track an inherent part of that decentralisation, or just a natural path to take to it? (Looking through the archives we disagreed over Atlantean Ousters, which were running on a separate 24-hour clock which you felt was keeping the game active by giving players a side hustle, and I thought was slowing it down because players on the main clock were sometimes waiting for the other one to finish.)

I’d still say that the proposal queue and the backchannel chat fulfills that parallel side of the game, for me. The kind of thing we’ve just seen with Open Door Policy and its discussion prompting player reactions at the gamestate level. I don’t think the main game loop needs to be anything more than a single slowish turn-taking boardgame, at about the same level as any eurogame.

JonathanDark: he/him

05-08-2023 22:15:19 UTC


lemon: she/her

06-08-2023 14:36:48 UTC
