Proposal: General (but Critical) Enhancements
Passes 14 - 0; +10 arthexis—arth
Adminned at 15 Oct 2009 11:03:50 UTC
Add the following text to last line of rule “Investments”:
An Admin cannot enact a Proposal for which he or she is an investor, unless there are no other non-idle Admins who might be able to enact it.
Change the fee of rule “More Weekly Please” to 50 Points.
On rule “Ruleset Theft” after the text that reads “Theft Proposals submitted according to this rule can be legally submitted even if the submitter already has 2 proposals Pending”, add the following:
(conversely, this also means that if a Player has 2 Proposals pending, and one of them is a Theft Proposal, they can still create 1 additional proposal)
On rule “Rule Changes are Secured (Blue)” replace the sentence that reads “(d) The alteration of a rule’s clearance.” with:
(d) The alteration of that rule’s fee or sponsor.
I rolled several important enhancements into a single proposal so it’s not so trivial.
Darknight: he/him