Proposal: Geographic Potpourri
Timed Out 4-6 -Amnistar
Adminned at 17 Mar 2007 09:25:34 UTC
This Proposal is divided into several numbered Parts.
If more than half of the comments to this Proposal that contain valid final votes (with finality being determined as of the moment this Proposal is adminned) include the text “No on Part #” (with the number of a Part of this proposal being substituted for #), then that Part of this Proposal will not be adopted.
Part 1: No Land Tickets
If there is a Rule entitled, “Tickets”, rewrite it in its entirety as follows:
There are two types of Tickets an Agent may posses: Air Tickets and Sea Tickets. The number of each type of Ticket possessed by each Agent is tracked in the GNDT.
When a new agent enters the game, the Admin adding then to the GNDT shall roll DICE3 twotimes. For each dice roll, e shall add 2 and put the resulting number respectively in the Air Tickets and Sea Tickets columns of the new Agent in the GNDT.
Often, if an Agent is in a Supply Center, e may make an DICE3 roll. If the result is 1, e may increase eir Air Tickets by one; if the result is 2, e may increase eir Sea Tickets by one and if the result is 3, nothing happens.
If there is a rule entitled “Movement” containing the text
“If both Territories are land Territories and are not both Aiport Territories, the Agent must spend 1 Land Ticket before doing eir movement”
then substitute that text with the text:
“If both Territories are land Territories and are not both Airport Territories.”
and, rewrite the sentence in that rule that reads:
Upon moving, an Agent must also, within 1 hour of registering eir Ticket spending in the GNDT, send a private message to the Mastermind identifying emself and stating that e is moving from Y to Z (substituting Y for the territory that e is leaving and Z for the territory that e is entering).
so that it reads:
A move by an Agent is not valid unless the Agent sends a private message to the Mastermind identifying emself and stating that e is moving from Y to Z (substituting Y for the territory that e is leaving and Z for the territory that e is entering). In the case of moves that require a Ticket to be spent, this private message must be sent within 1 hour of the GNDT change reflecting the spending of the ticket.
Part 3: Special Territories
Add a new Rule, entitled “Special Territories”, reading as follows:
Certain Territories have special features, as follows:
* Checkpoint Charlie: A move between the territories of BER (Berlin) and FRA (Frankfurt), in either direction, is not considered a crossing of the Iron Curtain. If an Agent makes this move, then Mastermind will, within 48 hours of receiving the message that effects the move, post a message to the blog stating “An Agent was spotted passing through Checkpoint Charlie.”
* The Bunker: There is a Bunker in the territory of SWI (Switzerland). Subject to the rules and the Gamestate documents, an Agent located in the territory of SWI (Switzerland) may move to the Bunker by notifying the Mastermind of the move. No more than one Agent may be in the Bunker at any time. An Agent in the Bunker is still considered to be in the territory of SWI (Switzerland), and if the Agent leaves the territory of SWI (Switzerland) then e is no longer in the Bunker. An Agent in the Bunker may not involuntarily lose or be deprived of any Gadget.
* Monte Carlo: The Casino Royale of Monte Carlo is located in the province of MON (Monaco). Any Agent in the province of MON (Monaco) replenishes Tickets at double the normal rate.
Part 4: The Red October
Add a new rule, named “The Red October”, as follows:
There exists an object (which is not a Gadget), called the Red October. The Red October is always located in exactly one sea territory. The location of the Red October is tracked in such manner as the Mastermind deems suitable. The Red October’s initial location is WHI (White Sea) (which is north of Russia). A move to or from the territory containing the Red October is never considered a crossing of the Iron Curtain. An Agent who enters the province containing the Red October may contact the Mastermind to notify em that the Agent is in command of the Red October, whereupon that Agent becomes in command of the Red October. The Red October then is considered to be in the territory in which the Agent is located, so long as that territory is a sea territory. No more than one Agent may be in command of the Red October at any time. If the Agent in command of the Red October moves to a land territory, then that Agent ceases to be in command of the Red October and the Red October remains in that territory until some other Agent takes command of it. An Agent in command of the Red October may Often move to any sea territory that is adjacent to a sea territory that is adjacent to a sea territory in which the Agent is located, and such a move does not require any Tickets of any type be spent (i.e., a move of three sea territories).
Amnistar: he/him