Friday, January 24, 2025

Proposal: Get everybody and the stuff together

Reaches quorum 4-1 and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 24 Jan 2025 19:28:31 UTC

Append to the text of the rule “Roles {I}” the following:

The set of Roles which are not any Participant’s Role on a given team constitute that team’s unused Roles. If a Mastermind’s Target has changed in the last 48 hours, and if any Participant on the same team as that Mastermind has a blank role, then: that Mastermind may name a Participant on the same team as them, randomly select a Role from their own team’s unused Roles, and assign that Role to that Participant.


ais523: Custodian

24-01-2025 02:06:44 UTC

This seems really overpowered to me. I’m already worried that reaching Targets is too easy, and this would significantly reduce the effort needed to hit them.

Also, why the 24-hour limit? That’s just punishing Masterminds who can’t be online every day.

ais523: Custodian

24-01-2025 02:09:04 UTC

Note that this also interacts really weirdly with “Whenever a Participant gains a role, if that role is the same as the non-blank role of another Participant in their Team, that second Participant loses their Role.” I’m not entirely sure what the interaction is, but I don’t think any of the possible interpretations do what you want.

Brendan: he/him

24-01-2025 02:33:28 UTC

We have a big chunk of the ruleset dedicated to Roles, and they’re not being used because they cost the same resource (Heist Actions) that is more efficient to use just advancing a goal directly. If they’re going to be used they need to be easier to assign. If Roles are inherently overpowered, which is an argument that would seemingly follow from making Roles easy to assign is overpowered, then that’s a matter for another proposal… but if they were, then they’d actually be in use, wouldn’t they?

I’ve expanded the 24-hour limit to be fair to those many unnamed Masterminds and have reworded the assignment to avoid that interaction.

ais523: Custodian

24-01-2025 02:51:53 UTC

The reason Roles haven’t been used much yet is, ironically, because reaching Targets is too easy at present – we didn’t assign them because we could win even without, so there was no point (the cost of assignment has to be factored in to the cost of using the role, which generally makes it worse for simple targets but better for more complex targets). Having Roles assignable for free would mean that the cost of assigning the Role doesn’t matter, making Roles probably better for simple targets too. (As a simple example, Driver outright doubles the team’s actions – we would have used that for “creatable” if we had to, but it was reachable even without, so there was no reason to set the role and wait out the timeout.) Or to put it another way, some Roles are very powerful if you already have them, and they’re currently balanced by the cost of setting them.

I’m happy with the no-duplicate-roles interaction now, though.

JonathanDark: he/him

24-01-2025 04:31:32 UTC

This might be a good opportunity to rebalance some of the Roles. Pass this, but also pass another proposal tweaking the Driver, for example.

ais523: Custodian

24-01-2025 04:37:53 UTC

Right, thinking about it, the problem is that some of the roles take so long to set up (e.g. Driver) that they’re only useful for very difficult targets, and it’s unlikely that both teams have a target that difficult. On the other hand, Driver’s effect is very powerful once you actually get hold of it, so having it be hard to gain makes sense.

I think we either have to fail this and make some of the roles more accessible, or pass it and make some of the roles less accessible.


24-01-2025 05:17:22 UTC

I’m probably for this one. The reason no one is role-ing is because the targets are easy enough to get (at most 5 heist actions if you get really unlucky) that there’s no real point to getting a role. Removing the opportunity cost for picking up roles is likely to have them see more use. Maybe Driver needs a rework after this (it’s the only real no-brainer role you always want to use the action of), but I like the concept.

SingularByte: he/him

24-01-2025 07:52:41 UTC

I wouldn’t actually say the driver is always a no-brainer. If you’re part of the smaller team, the free focus is basically equivalent.

Josh: he/they

24-01-2025 09:25:36 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

24-01-2025 17:58:43 UTC

This is starting to become obsolete as the various Roles get corrupted by Heist Actions. I think we should instead try for a revision of this that includes rewriting the Roles and cleaning up the recent changes.



24-01-2025 18:42:01 UTC

for Roles getting corrupted by Heist Actions is a part of the game. Funnily enough, someone could be an agent of chaos and corrupt Tools of the Trade to prevent single character substitutions, forcing us to rely on Roles