Proposal: Get Lamp
Times out 12-0 -Darth
Adminned at 11 Jan 2010 06:20:50 UTC
Remove the paragraph of Rule 2.4 (Djinni in a lamp, baby) beginning “If an Adventurer has the same Location as the Djinni, and the Djinni is in the Lamp”.
Reword the Lamp effect in Rule 2.9.1 (Directory of Relics) to:-
When an Adventurer is awarded the Lamp, they automatically free the Djinni from it, if he is inside it. Upon doing so, the Djinni leaves the Lamp, the Adventurer gains 1 Wish (unless they were the last Adventurer to be responsible for the Djinni entering the Lamp) and the Lamp is moved to an undisclosed hiding place.
Making the Lamp work like the other relics, which removes the unclear “same Location” problem.
I only understood you as far as wanting to get something.
If the lamp is moved to an new hiding place right away, when do we get to make wishes?