Proposal: Get Your Skates On, Mate
Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.
Adminned at 28 Jan 2025 23:06:53 UTC
Remove the following from The Vault: “achieve victory, or confer victory upon anyone (if a Mutable rule attempts to do so, it instead does not, and may be repealed by any Participant);”
Add the following as a new rule, called A Little Place On The Costa Brava {M}:
No Participant has achieved Victory $$$.
Opening a little window to Victory. You still have to be Retired to win but this gives something to work towards once you get there.
ais523: Custodian
This makes Triumphs irrelevant – it is much easier to remove this restriction, and the Retired restriction, from the ruleset than it would be to score enough Triumphs to retire.
I reckon it would probably take about 6-7 Heist Actions to break both anti-victory conditions, which is a very small amount given that many Triumph points have taken 5.
(Note that the “achieve victory, or confer victory upon anyone” restriction is entirely bypassable at the moment using only Heist actions – it’s just that it takes quite a lot more Heist actions to bypass it than this would, which is why nobody has tried yet. On a previous round, my team were considering it – it would only have taken around four days of realtime.)
My favoured approach to this is something along the lines of “Breaching the vault”, i.e. where you can remove the restriction by scoring Triumphs. What you’re doing here is removing the restriction without scoring Triumphs, and thus making them entirely irrelevant.
As my team (currently consisting of one person) has four times as many Triumphs as your team does, then in this current form, I will veto this.