Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Call for Judgment: Ghosts of Winters Past

Fewer than a quorum not voting against. Failed 1-7 by Kevan.

Adminned at 23 Jun 2021 16:11:19 UTC

If Proposal: The Undying [Core] [Special Case] [Appendix] has not been enacted, immediately enacted it.

Revert the effect of any Power Actions undertaken by Vampire Lords who were idle at the time at which the Action was carried out.


Kevan: he/him

22-06-2021 09:34:00 UTC

I don’t know, I rather enjoyed Bucky’s coffin creaking open. Does it cause any problems if we see more of that in the next nine hours? I don’t think it’s any different to someone saying “I unidle, I do the thing, I idle again”.

Josh: he/they

22-06-2021 09:40:37 UTC

As an aside, what happens to the sigils of idle vampire lords?

Chiiika: she/her

22-06-2021 09:41:34 UTC

Kevan tho that would limit their actions to a minimum of 4 days apart; since you can’t hop in if you’ve hopped out within 4 days.

It should be somewhere in the Core rules, but I forgot where.

ais523: Custodian

22-06-2021 10:20:14 UTC

against partly a) because I think the rules unambiguously make Bucky’s actions legal (and I prefer CFJs to maintain the actual gamestate unless something is badly broken); but primarily b) because of an unofficial/informal promise I made for Bucky’s benefit many years ago, which I wasn’t expecting to affect BlogNomic, but this is just too perfect a situation for it (especially as Bucky is the idle player involved).

Note that for players who haven’t gone idle this dynasty, unidling will reset their statistics – even if they’ve changed. So it’s very hard to get an advantage for yourself this way. (It may well be possible for idle Vampire Lords to give an advantage to someone else this way, but I doubt it’ll happen, and it’ll be fixed in a few hours anyway.)

Josh: he/they

22-06-2021 10:34:18 UTC

I’m very curious about this informal promise! What were the terms?

Kevan: he/him

22-06-2021 10:48:24 UTC

against Seems fine to me, I’d even consider adding it as a spooky mechanic for this dynasty.

ais523: Custodian

22-06-2021 10:57:41 UTC

@Josh: “If a mechanic can be adapted to allow non-players to take part without breaking anything, it should be”.

It stems from a time when Bucky was attempting to play Agora without being a player. It’s so easy to say “player” by mistake when you don’t really need to, and it doesn’t affect most people but really affects non-players who are following.

Note that most mechanics do break things if you let non-players take part, but sometimes it won’t. For example, Agora tracks a number of achievements as Ribbons (some more difficult than others), with completing the full set giving you a win; some of them are for things like giving feedback on proposals, which non-players can do, so we give them their award if it happens and they can put it towards the victory condition if they start playing in the future. There’s no reason why we’d want to discourage non-players from helping to improve proposals, after all, and it doesn’t break anything if we give them their reward when it happens.

Raven1207: he/they

22-06-2021 11:35:21 UTC


lemon: she/her

22-06-2021 12:18:35 UTC


Janet: she/her

22-06-2021 13:16:37 UTC


Brendan: he/him

22-06-2021 19:46:05 UTC



22-06-2021 22:17:46 UTC

@ais523 This does break things slightly, but no more than having a Vampire Lord inscribe some sigils and then go idle, which is a common flaw for any rule using a “list of Vampire Lords”.

Chiiika: she/her

23-06-2021 15:48:36 UTC


Ancient Actions is a better way to solve that.