Sunday, August 28, 2011

Proposal: Giant Roast Turkeys

Reached quorum 8 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 29 Aug 2011 10:53:24 UTC

To the rule “Hunger and Tiredness”, add:-

If the day on which a given Survivor last Slept is five or more days before the current date, then any Survivor may Exhaust that Survivor, unless a Survivor has already done so that day. When a Survivor is Exhausted, their Sanity is reduced by 1.

If the day on which a given Survivor last Ate is five or more days before the current date, then any Survivor may Starve that Survivor, unless a Survivor has already done so that day. When a Survivor is Starved, their Sanity is reduced by 1.

Reproposing Anduril’s illegal non-proposal, but making the Sanity alterations explicit actions from players (rather than the automagic “is reduced”) and a bit simpler, bumping it up to five days, and allowing a Tired and Starving Survivor to go mad at 2 Sanity per day.


Prince Anduril:

28-08-2011 22:03:36 UTC

for Yep. Sounds good. Though I’m now suddenly concerned I didn’t choose an edible item.

Kevan: he/him

28-08-2011 22:04:12 UTC

Actually, reading it again, I’m not even bumping it up to five days - “more than 3 days ago, for each consecutive day following this” equates to the first Sanity loss on day 5.


28-08-2011 22:13:26 UTC


Darknight: he/him

28-08-2011 22:34:47 UTC



29-08-2011 02:52:32 UTC



29-08-2011 04:18:48 UTC



29-08-2011 08:24:39 UTC



29-08-2011 15:14:06 UTC
