Proposal: Giving you a life to live
Reaches Quorum, 11-0.—Rodney.
Adminned at 19 Oct 2008 14:35:40 UTC
Create a new rule “Health”:
Each Clansmen has an attribute called “Health”, which is recorded under a GNDT column with the same name. The possible values for Health are in order: “Superb”, “Normal”, “Bruised”, “Scarred”, “Wounded”, “Crippled”, “Killed”. A Clansmen whose Health is set to “Normal” or “Superb” is considered to be Healthy. A Clansmen whose Health is set to “Killed” is considered to be Dead. Whenever a non-Dead Clansmen takes Damage, that Clansmen’s Health value is set to the next available from the list in order. If a Clansmen is said to take Crushing Damage, it shall be treated as if the Clansmen was damaged twice in a row. New Clansmen start with a Normal Health.
As a daily action, if a Clansmen has not received Damage in the past 24 hours and no Crushing Damage in the last 48 hours, that Clansmen may set their health to the previous value in the list in order, unless they are already Healthy. This action is known a Healing.
Dead Clansmen may not take any action defined by a Dynastic Rule.
Set the Health of every Clansmen to Normal.
Darknight: he/him