Proposal: Givng the Disabled something to do
At 1-7, cannot pass. Failed by Brendan.
Adminned at 15 Feb 2015 15:31:46 UTC
In the subrule “Sabotage”, replace “An Android may Sabotage a Proposal by sending a Private Message to the Ship’s Computer informing it of this intention.” with “An Android or Disabled Crewmember may Sabotage a Proposal by sending a Private Message to the Ship’s Computer informing it of this intention. This is a Cerebral action.”
Disabled crewmembers are a minority in much the same way that Androids are, and should probably have the same rules-based protection. Otherwise, it’s easy for non-Disabled crewmembers to collectively push through plans that make it even harder for Disabled crewmembers to win.