Proposal: Global Shares
Reaches quorum, 9-1. Enacted by pokes.
Adminned at 29 May 2020 14:24:06 UTC
If the proposal “The Wideness of the Wheel” doesn’t pass, this proposal does nothing
Replace “Effect” with “Payout” throughout Dynastic Rules.
Add “A Global Effect” to the list of the things each Segment has in the first paragraph of the “The Wheel”
Set the Payout of each Segment to be “Pays Segments”. Set the Global Effect of each Segment to be empty.
Replace “The Payout of Segment” with “The Payout and Global Effect of a Segment” in “The Wheel”
Append “*Apply the global effect of the Segment with Index corresponding to the die roll” to the list outlining the atomic action performed when an Amnesiac Spins The Wheel
If there is a rule called “Apples”, Add the following Segment:
Index 6, Name: Ditzy, Payout: Gain 3 Apples. Global Effect: Each Amnesiac gains number of Apples equal to the Size of their Wager
Otherwise, Add the following Segment
Index 6, Name: Ditzy, Payout: Gain 3 Points. Global Effect: Each Amnesiac gains number of Points equal to the Size of their Wager
This is mostly setting the stage for future stuff, with a small example segment that gets global effects into the game.
Tied to Kevan’s proposal passing, because trying to cover both would be a pain to write and it looks like it’ll write.
Kevan: he/him
Good work using a die roll for the Segment Name.