Proposal: GNOlls
The veto has been cast—Rodlen
Adminned at 19 Dec 2008 15:15:13 UTC
Create a dynastic rule entitled “Broken Bones”, reading:
All citizens have a GNDT-tracked attribute called Broken Bones, representing their health. New citizens start with zero Broken Bones. No citizen with more than nine Broken Bones can win. Each citizen may reduce their number of Broken Bones by one per week, to a minimum of zero.
Create a dynastic rule entitled “Gnolls”, reading:
Gnolls are non-playable entities, native to the Holy Gnomish Empire but found everywhere. There are four packs of Gnolls, one residing in each Faction and an extra one in GNO. Once every other day per Gnoll pack, the watcher of the Faction in which it normally resides may choose another Faction and cause their Faction’s pack of Gnolls to attack a random Citizen of one of that rival faction, selected only from among those Citizens of that Faction who have not already been attacked by Gnolls in the last 100 hours. The victim of a Gnoll attack receives two Broken Bones.
Amnistar: he/him
Bones s a BLO thing.