Monday, January 27, 2025

Proposal: Going for Broke

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 27 Jan 2025 15:48:41 UTC

In the rule “Heists {I}”, add a subrule named “Bonus {I}” with the following text:

Each Mastermind has a publicly tracked Mutable number named Bonus that defaults to 0. Whenever a Mastermind’s Target changes, their Bonus resets to its default value. Try Your Luck is an action where a Participant rolls a DICE4.

When attempting to perform a Heist Action, after the normal dice roll as part of that attempt, the Participant performing it may optionally pay a positive amount of the Bonus of the Mastermind on the same team, up to a maximum of that Mastermind’s Bonus, to subtract that amount paid from the result of that dice roll. If they do so, the result of that subtraction is considered the final result of the dice roll of that Heist Action.

In the rule “The Crew {M}” add the following text:

Gambler is a Role. As a Heist Action, the Gambler can Try Your Luck (in addition to the normal roll required to complete a Heist Action), and if that Heist Action is successful, they can add the result of that Try Your Luck to the Bonus of the Mastermind on the same team.

Having a Gambler allows a team to potentially offset some back luck in their Heists when trying to perform them early on


ais523: Custodian

27-01-2025 10:55:56 UTC

against a) this seems too weak if used as intended (spending an entire Heist Action to increase the chance of future Heist Actions succeeding by around 4% seems like it would be very inefficient compared to just trying to use the Heist Action for the same thing yourself), b) although this would require quite a few changes to edit into something broken, it does open up a potential infinite-heist-actions loophole (if you can set a Mastermind’s Bonus to a very large value, you will then be able to take as many Heist Actions as you want in a row via Bonusing all the dice rolls down to 0).

SingularByte: he/him

27-01-2025 14:14:07 UTC

against  I’ll have to agree with ais here. It dilutes the role pool without any real upside so it’ll be more common for a team to have no useful roles.


27-01-2025 14:44:36 UTC

against per ais

JonathanDark: he/him

27-01-2025 15:47:27 UTC

Withdrawn.  against