Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Proposal: Gone Conclavin’

Timed out and enacted 3-0. Josh

Adminned at 01 Sep 2023 08:43:01 UTC

In the rule The Conclave, make the following changes:

Change “direct private message” to

private communication (which may be sent either through the BlogNomic PM system or as a direct message on discord)

Change “quantities of their own resources” to

quantities of their own resources (where Resources are defined as People, Food, Ingenuity, Defence, Energy Trap, Factions, Order, Commons, and Innovations)

Change “A District may make a null response” to

A District may make a null response (which takes the same format as any other Plenary Session response, but which specifies that no resources are bid; any response in which no resources are bid is considered to be a null response)

A few wording tweaks, as well as a way of speeding up the endgame if someone achieves a dominant position.


lemon: she/her

30-08-2023 09:29:34 UTC

i strongly dislike the third change here; it seems like a borderline scam! with your 10 order, you would automatically win two existing agenda items going all-out, and that’s assuming i’m not missing a third. and the whole point is that we /can’t/ go all-out on any single agenda item, we have to thoughtfully ration out our resources and actually earn the damn annointments!!
not to mention the weird position this puts the rest of us in when bidding, where if we bid too much and u bid nothing at all, you’d slip into automatic win territory without ever touching a single session! overall i think that change totally undermines the current method of victory.

the other changes are mostly fine, except that discord DMs aren’t “on the blognomic discord” and you didn’t list Energy as a resource. don’t forget to word it properly (the wording surrounding energy/energy traps is a bit weird).

Josh: he/they

30-08-2023 09:56:53 UTC

Thanks, have amended energy trap and discord.

I think I’m just hoping to avoid an endgame where we’re sitting here for weeks parcelling out resources one Energy at a time, with the threshold to win being very fine gradations of risk aversion; as per an earlier proposal, it still seems too likely to me that the endgame could end up being basically longer than the dynasty was. I admit that I have a decent position (I haven’t done the maths but I think I’m probably currently ahead on 2/6) but I do think that a mechanic by which a presumptive frontrunner, who can out-attrition the opposition anyway, can speed up the run-out… Happy to consider other approaches but sitting there for another month parcelling out 1 energy a day just feels very dry. We need some mechanics that will force players to move a bit, when the time comes.

lemon: she/her

30-08-2023 10:31:40 UTC

i understand that, but i won’t accept this mechanic as it stands. it’s based on a metric that’s quite different from the betting pool metric we currently have, and doesn’t even factor in previously-earned annointments.

as i said above, as far as i can tell you’re already more than 2/3rds of the way to the instant win clause as-is (if you scraped just 4 more food/def relative to lendun you’d win on Abundance+Stability+Culture), which is certainly not accurate to your position in the hidden auction game!

(i’m not even sure we’re at risk of so slow of an endgame, honestly. isn’t thwarting opponents’ bids and getting closer to winning enough of a motivation to bid aggressively?)

Josh: he/they

30-08-2023 10:54:17 UTC

Okay, I’ll take it out as this is mostly supposed to be uncontentious bug fixes.

lemon: she/her

30-08-2023 11:24:29 UTC

(for the reference of others reading post-edit: the third change was a clause stating that someone achieved victory instantly if they could demonstrate they’d win three different hypothetical agenda items that everyone went all-in on.)

JonathanDark: he/him

30-08-2023 13:36:37 UTC

Thank you for championing that removal, lemon.

JonathanDark: he/him

30-08-2023 16:08:14 UTC


lemon: she/her

31-08-2023 00:30:32 UTC
