Monday, January 18, 2010

Good Morning, Nomicians

I would like to declare myself a player of this Nomic!

(Uneasy, testing waters with one or two toes. Three, tops. I’m new. Green, as they say.)


Aquafraternally Yours:

18-01-2010 05:43:20 UTC

Greetings!  How’d you discover this here Nomic?


18-01-2010 06:27:43 UTC

Kevan’s portfolio site is an indefatigable provider of toys. Today I decided to follow this one down the rabbit hole and got interested in Nomics/BlogNomic. So, I’m trying it out.


18-01-2010 06:48:01 UTC

Welcome. You’re added. I’ve sent you your GNDT password via e-mail. Have fun.


18-01-2010 06:50:37 UTC

There are now 33 Guests; quorum remains 17. This has to be a record.


18-01-2010 07:21:56 UTC

Alethiophile, there’s nothing in my inbox or spam from you or Blognomic—try sending again?


18-01-2010 07:40:44 UTC

Password sent as PM to you.  Check upper right corner of this site.

Darknight: he/him

18-01-2010 08:28:34 UTC

So how many of us does this make that found BN through Kev’s site?


18-01-2010 20:24:25 UTC

I found Kevan’s site through BlogNomic.


19-01-2010 00:13:00 UTC

@Orn:me to