Friday, February 16, 2007

Proposal: Good Press

Timed out and passed, 5-3. Josh

Adminned at 18 Feb 2007 05:29:53 UTC

If Proposal: Gossip Gets Around didn’t pass, this Proposal does nothing.

Rename rule Gossip to Press, and rewrite it, so it reads:

Each Actor may be the subject of up to two “Press Stories”, summarized as phrases in the “Press” field of the GNDT, and separated by an “and” if there are two of them. Whenever an Actor becomes the subject of a new Press Story, it is added to the end of the list; if this would result in three Press Stories for a single Actor, the first is forgotten, and deleted.

A Story may be either “Gossip” or “Good Press”. Each Press Story has a Name, one or more Categories they effect(Fame, Location, Filmography or Miscellaneous) and an Effect.  An Actor that is the subject of any given Press Story is considered under it’s effect.  If an Actor is subject to more than one Press Story that overlap, that Actor is only subject to one of those stories, whichever is listed first in the GDNT.  Stories are considered overlapping if they have at least one Category that is the same.

Rename the GNDT Field Gossip to Press.

Remove the first paragraph from Gossip Stories, Categories and Effects.

Rewrite Jealousy, so it reads:

An Actor may occasionally make another Actor the subject of a gossip story, provided eir fame is strictly less than the fame of the target Actor and the target Actor has not been target of Jealousy in the last 48 hours.

Add a sub-rule Self-Promoting to the Press rule:

An Actor may occasionally make eirself the subject of a Good Press Story, provided eir fame is strictly greater than 30 and e reduces eir fame by 10%, rounding the resulting fame down.

Add a sub-rule Good Press, Categories and Effects to the Press rule:

Available Good Press Stories, their Categories, and Effects are listed belows in the following format:

*Good Press Story[Categories, separated by comas]: Effect

*Childhood band tour [Location]: The Actor under this Story may often change eir Location, even if otherwise not allowed to.
*African child adoption [Fame]: The Actor under this Story may often increase eir fame by 5%, rounded down.
*Indie film [Filmography]: An Actor under this story may wait one day less before adding a Film to eir Filmography.
*Government criticism [Miscellaneous]: The Actor under this Story may be target of Jealousy once every 4 days, if e has not been a target of Jealousy in the last 24 hours. The Actor under this Story may occasionally make eirself the subject of a Good Press Story once every 4 days, provided eir fame is strictly greater than 30 and e reduces eir fame by 10%, rounding the resulting fame down and e has not done so in the last 24 hours.
*Underwear line [Fame]: If an Actor under this story is a Host or a Guest to an After Party, e gains double the Fame e would gain.
*Hometown festival [Location]: The Actor under this Story may often change the Location of another Actor, even if otherwise not allowed to, so it becomes the same Location as eirself.
*UN Goodwill Ambassador [Fame]: When an Actor becomes subject to this story, e must roll a GOODWILL DICE20. Whenever an Actor under this Story gains fame, e gains X% extra Fame, rounded down, where X is the result of the Goodwill roll.
*Living in Britain [Location]: The Actor under this Story may change eir Location to Liverpool at any time.
*Sitcom cameo [Fame]: The Actor under this Story may roll a “PRESS DICE120” (instead of a DICE100) when making a Press Conference Post. E must use its result wherever the rules call for the result of the PRESS DICE100.

Add “*Liverpool – Hometown of the Beatles” to the list of available Locations. Add to Location:

An Actor may not change eir location to Liverpool unless otherwise allowed to by a Rule other than this,

Make Charity Work a sub-rule to Press.

A counted vote to this Proposal may name one or more Good Press Stories. If a Story is named in four or more of the counted votes to this Proposal, it shall be deleted from Good Press Stories, Categories and Effects.

Sorry for a Proposal so long, but I couldn’t make it shorter


Josh: he/they

16-02-2007 12:34:13 UTC

for I forgive you on the grounds that it is excellent.

Amnistar: he/him

16-02-2007 13:55:15 UTC

against because the Good Press provide no bad effects, cost an insignificant amount of Fame, and take the same location as Gossip.  Increase the cost and make Good Press it’s own Category and I’ll vote for it.


16-02-2007 15:08:25 UTC

Amnistar, that can be amended later.


16-02-2007 16:21:50 UTC

for I can’t believe I read the whole thing!  I name “African child adoption” since I think “often” is way too, um… often.

Amnistar: he/him

16-02-2007 21:24:14 UTC

Still vote against but want to name “African child adoption” as well.


16-02-2007 21:46:29 UTC

for ?Yeah Nameing African Child Adoption.


17-02-2007 19:59:53 UTC

African Child Adoption


18-02-2007 04:12:12 UTC

against per Amnistar, but naming African Child Adoption


18-02-2007 06:21:39 UTC

Going to vote against on this, because these might be too powerful, African Child Adoption in particular.