Proposal: Good riddance, Puck
Adminned at 22 May 2009 14:12:03 UTC
Part 1:
If there exists a rule entitled “Social Structure”, then add a subrule to it with the following text:
There is a GNDT column called “Grudge” whose legal values are the names of all non-Host Contestants. A Contestant is said to have a Grudge against any one or more Contestants named in eir Grudge column. A Contestant may not simultaneously have a Grudge against, and Support, a particular other Contestant: if any change in Gamestate required or permitted by the Ruleset would, but for this sentence, cause a Contestant to simultaneously have a Grudge against, and Support, a particular other Contestant, then the Grudge will exist and the Support will revert to its default value).
Part 2:
Change the sentence in the rule “Social Structure” that presently reads:
A Contestant’s Support defaults to the Contestant immediately below them in the GNDT, skipping the Host, with the bottom Contestant defaulting to the top Contestant.
so that it reads:
A Contestant’s Support defaults to the Contestant immediately below them in the GNDT, skipping the Host and any Contestant whom the Contestant has a Grudge against, with the bottom Contestant defaulting to the top Contestant.
Deliberately omitting the mechanics of how one can acquire or lose a Grudge. This can be fleshed out later.
Fails with 10 :against: and 5 :for:
Kevan: he/him
This sounds a little too similar to the existing “Vote” statistic (although “Grudge” is a much better name for it).