Proposal: Goodbye
Withdrawn. Failed by Brendan.
Adminned at 05 May 2023 20:46:12 UTC
Remove Misty from the game of BlogNomic.
I think I’ve had enough.
Withdrawn. Failed by Brendan.
Adminned at 05 May 2023 20:46:12 UTC
Remove Misty from the game of BlogNomic.
I think I’ve had enough.
Why do you need a Proposal? Are you asking for something beyond being idle?
I see. I’m still confused as to why that would take a Proposal when it seems like it would be a simple request to the back-end admin to delete your account.
Is your goal to see if a quorum of other players would also prefer you to leave? I’ll be honest: it feels a little icky to vote on something like that.
no that’s not it either. i’m pretty sure the only way to truly leave the game is via proposal
Somewhat relevant discussion:
if it’s what is requested.
We do need to be clear on what a request like this is actually taken to mean, though, and I think should explicitly avoid Jonathan’s “simple request to the back-end admin to delete your account”; such a deletion would mean that all blog posts opened by that user, and others’ comments and discussions on those posts, would be erased from the history.
Perhaps it’s time to restore a version of the old “a player may cease to be a player at any time” rule (part of the starting ruleset and repealed in 2020), if this is the third time that this issue has come up since then.
To be clear I don’t want to delete my account entirely, I just want to stop playing
Given Misty’s further comment of “its more figurative than anything really, if I wanted to rejoin I could just post again” on the Discord, I would recommend just idling out, here, if you’re leaving and probably won’t come back but might.
Idling with no intention of returning is what hundreds of other players have done before, and we know it works. An outlier case of someone ceasing to be a player but returning later brings a risk of us getting something wrong, because we’re not used to thinking in those terms. (I think we missed something when Pokes returned - something about forgetting that they were technically no longer an admin?)
Good point on the deletion issue…I hadn’t considered that.
Josh: he/they