Proposal: Goosebump potential
Fails 6-6, timed out. Flavoured Elias IX.
Adminned at 18 Dec 2005 11:07:18 UTC
If the Rule “Items” does not exist, this Proposal has no effect.
Otherwise, insert after the first paragraph of the Rule “Items” the following text:
An Item may be “reserved” for a single Protagonist. When an Item is reserved for a Protagonist, the Protagonist is said to be the Item’s “Lord.” An Item is reserved when its Description begins with the text “Reserved by [Lord’s name]” (where “[Lord’s name]” is replaced with the name of the Item’s Lord). A reserved item has the following properties:
* Its Name and Description may only be changed by 1) Proposals or Calls for Judgment authored by the Item’s Lord, OR 2) repeals issued in a legal Ascension Address.
* It ‘’‘may not’‘’ have any Rule-defined relationship with any Protagonist, including (but not limited to) being carried by or being used by a Protagonist. (The “Lord” relationship is an exception to the previous sentence.)
* It ‘’‘may not’’ have any Rule-defined relationship with any Location, including (but not limited to) existing, residing, living, belonging, or otherwise being located in any Location.
* It ‘’‘may’‘’, however, be ‘’‘referenced’‘’ by the Descriptions of Locations or other Items, unless such a reference establishes a Rule-defined relationship with the Item. ‘‘For instance, if Joe’s Pencil is an Item reserved for Joe, then Joe’s Pencil MAY NOT be located in The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese. It MAY, however, be depicted in drawings on the Fortress’s walls, unless the Rules give special meaning to Items being drawn on Locations’ walls, or the Fortress’s walls specifically.’‘Only the Narrator may be an Item’s Lord. ‘‘This line can be repealed whenever it becomes desirable.”
If more than half of all comments containing counted votes also contain the text “He does TOO share power!”, omit the last paragraph of the above block quote when administrating this Proposal.
I only put that last sentence there so I can flesh out a couple of ideas before we unleash it on the masses, and so we don’t have four dozen reserved Items by Monday morning. I want to implement a system where reserving items is a limited privilege, for folks who prove they can craft something awesome. (I may not be crafting anything awesome, but it’s a proof of concept at this point.)
For insight as to what I’m trying to accomplish here, see my next Proposal.