Saturday, March 24, 2018

Gotta shake things up!

The dynasty is clearly lagging. What elements do you people think are the most problematic ?
- the theme ?
- the current mechanics that are hard to build on ?
- the visual style ?
- the board layout which is difficult to read ?

Personally I would say I have trouble finding ideas using the current board + book mechanics, and also that the board layout on the wiki page is sort of daunting. I think we could improve it with colours, or by separating the information visually: have one set of boards with just players, creatures and any element added to the cells, and another reference set with the paragraphs.


Thunder: he/him

24-03-2018 14:40:52 UTC

Rating in order:
1. Current mechanics (I’ve kind of wanted to propose removing the book and board part for a while)
2. The theme (not quite sure how to implement a clear end unless it’s “First person to trigger a wake-up”)
_______________(threshold of not being a problem)
3. Board (not hard to read for me)
4. Style (readable)


24-03-2018 18:34:54 UTC

It must not be engaging enough. People tend to do the easiest thing if the risks are not that high. There’s no risk to doing nothing right now. In the previous dynasty you’d essentially be kicked out of playing if you did nothing so more people participated. I’ll try and write some proposals later but I have to leave right now.


24-03-2018 19:50:07 UTC

The last dynasty had the same problem because it was nearly reduced to just 3 people, so I don’t think its the best example…


25-03-2018 00:23:42 UTC

I feel like its a bit faux pas to reveal this but at this point what’s really left. For me its:

1. The two emperors and their policing. There’s too much pressure for me to propose anything aside from game design interests (which I already have at the beginning) with both of you policing it all, so I’m just waiting out to have other people fail/slip instead and prey on that.

2. The rest, and they’re hardly an issue for me. I hardly care about the theme (it’s just aesthetics), the mechanics are what I wanted because I proposed them, the visuals/layout have already been fixed.


25-03-2018 01:37:19 UTC

Cuddlebeam your comment indirectly reminded me of the whole frills / fool’s gold discussion, and I suddenly realised that’s what’s missing :D.
I’ve finally got an idea but I unfortunately don’t have the time to write the proposal now. I’ll do this tomorrow morning.


25-03-2018 01:39:31 UTC

(But feel free to make a proposal laden with scam material ;-), who knows what might pass)


25-03-2018 02:00:57 UTC

If I were to do that now it would be too obvious of course.


26-03-2018 19:44:14 UTC

|The last dynasty had the same problem because it was nearly reduced to just 3 people, so I don’t think its the best example…
maybe Diabecko’s one where only 3 people ended up trying for the win condition and there were people who made posts expressly for the purpose of not going idle?
or perhaps the Tesseract dynasty where IIRC it ended with some people not having chosen an element.
|The two emperors and their policing. There’s too much pressure for me to propose anything aside from game design interests (which I already have at the beginning) with both of you policing it all, so I’m just waiting out to have other people fail/slip instead and prey on that.
I’m afraid I missed your meaning here? What do you mean specifically by “policing” and “game design interests” for a start?