Monday, November 30, 2020

Proposal: Greed Is Good

Timed out and passed, 6-2. Josh

Adminned at 02 Dec 2020 20:14:29 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called “Corporations”

Each Pilot has a publicly tracked Affiliation, which may be one of the Corporations listed as subrules of this rule and by default is Unaffiliated. Two Pilots whose Affiliation are the same Corporation are said to be Affiliated with each other.

Each Corporation has a Creed, which is Flavor Text.

Each Corporation has a Requirement. An Unaffiliated Pilot may change their Affiliation to any Corporation for which they meet the Requirement.


Creed: Growth At All Costs

Requirement: Any Pilot may join MECHATECH

== Dynocorp ==

Creed: Only the Strong Survive

Requirement: A Pilot’s Power must be at or above 100 to join Dynocorp

== Azamo’s Children ==

Creed: Fortune Favors Us

Requirement: Roll a DICE3 and have the result be a 1. Each Pilot may only attempt this once.


robotabc773: he/him

30-11-2020 19:17:37 UTC

I don’t love the idea of having an affiliation that is completely random to get into and can never be reattempted. I feel like maybe it should just have a decently long cooldown, a few days or a week or something. Even then, it feels like if being affiliated to that corporation is strong, then it’ll feel unfair, but if it isn’t very strong then it won’t feel worth it. Maybe I’m missing the point of corporations.


30-11-2020 21:06:58 UTC

Maybe pilots can normally only change affiliation when they are Demobbed? Thematically you probably wouldn’t be swapping affiliations in the middle of a fight.
Like the idea!

Josh: he/they

30-11-2020 22:18:23 UTC

imperial I’m not sure I see where this is going but if it captures someone’s imagination then I’m all for it

Clucky: he/him

30-11-2020 23:11:29 UTC

I see it was a way to do explicit team alignment. Pick your team, try to help that team win. And then sure maybe betray some people within your team because that is part of the fun =D


01-12-2020 00:10:08 UTC


robotabc773: he/him

01-12-2020 01:00:25 UTC

against My reservations from before still stand, something about this rule just rubs me the wrong way.


01-12-2020 08:00:27 UTC

I’m going to abstain.  Not a huge fan of the theme, seems a bit “clashy”, but this could potentially be rebranded in the future..  the random corporation isn’t a big issue to me since there is no effect to it yet..

Kevan: he/him

01-12-2020 10:55:45 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

01-12-2020 12:37:23 UTC



01-12-2020 14:32:26 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

02-12-2020 00:57:32 UTC

Wait actually…. against