Thursday, February 17, 2022

Proposal: Grid Your Loins

Enacted quorate, 7-0. Josh

Adminned at 19 Feb 2022 11:06:25 UTC

Repeal the rule Tic-Tac-Toe Rules. Rewrite the rule The Grid as follows:

The Grid Size is a publicly tracked positive integer that defaults to half the number of Active Players rounded up.

Tic-Tac-Toe is a game that is played on a Grid. In a game of Tic Tac Toe, each Player uses their Symbol. All active players of BlogNomic are players of all games of Tic Tac Toe. For any ongoing game of Tic Tac Toe, as a Daily Action, a Player can make one move. A valid move consists of adding your symbol to exactly one cell that contains no other symbols (removing ‘_’ if it is in that cell).

A Grid in a game of Tic Tac Toe is a publicly tracked grid of NxN cells, where N is the Grid Size, and each cell defaults to blank. Blank cells may be represented by the symbol U+005F (“_”). Each individual cell on The Grid may be referred to as “Cell XY”, where Y is the number of the row it sits on (ordered from top to bottom) and X is the letter of the English alphabet with the index of the column the cell sits on (ordered from left to right).

When a Player forms an unbroken vertical, horizontal, or diagonal row of three or more of their symbol anywhere on the board, the round ends, and the player that formed a complete row gains 1 point. If it is impossible for any player to make a valid move, the round ends and nobody gains a point.

When the Grid is Incremented, the following atomic action is performed: The Grid Size increases by 1. To make the Grid match the new grid size, a new row of empty cells is randomly added to either the top or bottom of the grid, then a new of column of cells is randomly added to the left or right of the grid.

When the Grid is Decremented, the following atomic action is performed: If the Grid Size is 1 nothing happens. Otherwise, the Grid Size is decreased by 1. To make the Grid match the new grid size, either the top most or bottom most row is randomly removed from the grid, then either the left most or right most column is randomly removed from the grid.

Once a round ends, any player may Reset the board by performing the following atomic action:

* Reset the Grid Size to its default value
* Re-draw the board to match the Grid Size
* Set each cell on the board to blank
* Start a new round

If Proposal: Rounders (1998) was not enacted then immediately carry out the Reset the Board atomic action.

If Proposal: Boardtown was enacted then carry out the following:

Add the following as a subrule to the rule The Grid, called Grid Occupancy:

A cell is considered free if it is empty or if it has less symbols than the maximum occupancy of a building associated with that Cell. If a cell has exactly as many symbols as the maximum occupancy of the building associated with it (or 1 if there is no building associated with it), it is considered full. If a cell has more symbols than would be considered full, it is invalid. If a cell is invalid, any player may set it to empty.

Should be all the same information was what’s currently in those two rules, just presented in a clearer and more logical way.


Snisbo: she/they

17-02-2022 18:19:13 UTC

I would vote yes if not for the fact that Boardtown messes with “Tic-Tac-Toe Rules” and those changes aren’t reflected here

Josh: he/they

17-02-2022 18:59:53 UTC

I think I’ve mostly now incorporated its changes.


17-02-2022 19:21:35 UTC

We still won’t have started a game of TTT, or created a grid for said game.

Josh: he/they

17-02-2022 19:39:17 UTC

@Ty Why don’t you think Rounders (1998) won’t do that, or this with its requirement to carry out the Reset the Board atomic action?

Brendan: he/him

17-02-2022 21:23:21 UTC


Lulu: she/her

17-02-2022 21:35:22 UTC



17-02-2022 21:37:42 UTC

for @Josh Oh, yep, just missed that line in the proposal.

Snisbo: she/they

17-02-2022 23:34:32 UTC

“A valid move consists of adding your symbol to exactly one cell that contains no other symbols (removing ‘_’ if it is in that cell).”

means that boardtown won’t have an effect yet, but it will be easier to fix with the change you made, so I may as well for

Darknight: he/him

18-02-2022 18:09:26 UTC


Clucky: he/him

19-02-2022 07:21:28 UTC
