Proposal: Griefing the Executor/Murderer
Self-killed. -Ornithopter
Adminned at 21 Jan 2010 11:28:43 UTC
In the Rule “Lights”, add the sentence
When processing such a Dark List, the Executor may choose for the Dark List to have no effect if he feels that the actions described therein are excessively unnecessary, annoying, or otherwise detrimental to this Nomic; this includes, but is not necessarily limited to: an extremely long list, or moving into and immediately out of a room without doing anything useful in the interim for the sole purpose of making noises.
to the end of the paragraph reading
If the Lights are Off and the Executor has any unprocessed Dark Lists in his email inbox which were sent since the Lights last went Off, and whose sender is not Dormant, he may process the oldest of these Lists.
Wanna know a great way to prevent the Murderer from attacking you? When the lights go out, quickly email Kevan with a list of Dark Movement Actions a mile long. When your Dark List comes up in the queue, he’s not required to perform those actions, but he’s not allowed to skip over them, either. If performed, he’ll be required to make a gazillion DICE4 rolls.
Kevan: he/him
Although there are better mechanisms for enforcing this; perhaps a limit of only two move actions per List.