Proposal: Groundhog’s Paradise
Passes 8-1. - Qwazukee
Adminned at 30 Jul 2009 13:47:04 UTC
Create a new Dynastic Rule titled “Groundhog’s Paradise” with the following text:
There exists a wiki document named “Good Deeds.” This wiki document can only be altered in ways that are specified by the Ruleset. There are a number of Good Deeds listed on this document, each of which has a Name and a number of numbered Steps. Example Given:
Name: Save the Whales
Step 1: Find the Whales
Step 2: Feed the Whales
Step 3: Release the Whales from captivityWhen a Bill Murray accomplishes the first numbered Step that they haven’t accomplished before in a particular Good Deed, they may add their name next to that Step in that Good Deed in the wiki document. When a Bill Murray has their name next to every single Step in a Good Deed that is at least 10 Steps long, they are said to have accomplished that Good Deed.
Create a subrule to Groundhog’s Paradise titled “Building the World from the Groundhog Up” with the following text:
As a daily action, a Bill Murray may add a Step to a Good Deed on the wiki document “Good Deeds.” As a daily action, the Phil may add a Step to up to 5 different Good Deeds on the wiki document “Good Deeds.”
My intention is that Bill Murrays will have to create a way to complete any number of Steps every week, so that those who manage to complete it the first way will get ahead of those that are, say, working on other Good Deeds. With the Rules for how to complete certain steps constantly changing, this should be highly interesting.