Proposal: Grue Houdini and assorted fixes
Times out 3-1 and is enacted -SingularByte
Adminned at 26 Mar 2023 12:40:47 UTC
In the rule “The Grue”, add the following just before the final sentence:
The Grue should then add that Runner’s Number-Crunches to its own (without subtracting any of that Runner’s Number-Crunches).
In The Lines, replace “If no Cells have a value of Battery, set the value of a random Cell to Battery” with:
If no Cells have a value of Battery, set the value of a random non-Purple Cell to Battery
At the end of the rule “The Lines”, add a new sentence after the bullet point list:
If the value or colour of a cell would be modified in the loading of a new stratum but it would be illegal to do so, that modification is skipped for that cell.
In the rule “Running”, replace the text “If the number of runners in the Exit has been at least 1 for the entirety of the last three ticks, and if one of those runners has the highest non-zero Number-Crunches out of all Runners in the Exit, that Runner has achieved victory.” with
If, during the most recent 3 Tick atomic actions (excluding this one), the number of Runners in the Exit has been at least 1 for the entire Tick atomic action, and if one of the Runner currently in the Exit has the highest non-zero Number-Crunches out of all Runners in the Exit, that Runner has achieved victory.
In “The Exit”, replace “A Runner can spend any positive amount of Power to increase their Number-Crunches by that amount” with
A Runner can spend any positive amount of Power to increase their Number-Crunches by that amount by notifying the Gridmaster of the amount of Power they wish to spend
The Grue portion of this proposal serves two purposes. Firstly, it allows the Grue to have a decent shot to escape. Secondly, it ensures that if the player who’s about to win is knocked out by the Grue, the true victory just gets delayed by a turn (since the Grue would win in their stead). This will allow the Runner to get back into position; it would suck to just randomly lose to a surprise Grue, after all.
The rest of this is just various fixes of the win condition such as preventing stratum loads from being rolled back due to setting illegal values etc.
lendunistus: he/him
don’t really think this is necessary