Proposal: Grue Tag (draft II)
2-10. Can’t be enacted w/o Cov (at most, it can get tied).—Chronos
Adminned at 16 Dec 2005 03:51:37 UTC
Okay, first time playing this so first post wasn’t water tight and a bit too allovertheplace. So, DRAFT II is below - the term slain would still have to be defined later::::
Add a new rule called “Grue Tag” that reads as follows:
When a protagonist who’s role is “Grue” (Hereafter in this rule referred to as the “Monster”) is slain by a protagonist who’s role is not “Grue” (hereafter in this rule referred to as the “Slayer”), the Slayer’s role becomes “Grue” and the Monster’s role becomes “Unemployed”.
Add a new sub-section named “Unemployed†to the rule “Charactersâ€
A protagonist who’s role is “Unemployed” has eir location immediately changed to “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese”. A protagonist who’s role is “Unemployed” must remain in ‘The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese” as long as eir role is “Unemployed”. If a protagonist has no role, eir role becomes “Unemployed”.
Future revisions may consider adding “Do not pass GO, Do not collect $200”