Proposal: Guiding the Pen
Adminned at 10 Oct 2015 12:31:03 UTC
In “Conclaves”, add a third paragraph:-
If a Conclave is more than 96 hours old and a Cardinal has not posted a Ballot on it, then any Infirmarii with at least 1 Influence may - as a daily action - post a Ballot on that Cardinal’s behalf by paying 1 Influence and posting a comment on that Conclave consisting of the phrase “X is unwell, but elects as Supreme Pontiff Y.”, where X is the name of the Cardinal in question and Y is the name of any Cardinal.
Replace “and has posted no other comments of that format on that Conclave” with:-
and does not already have a Ballot posted on that Conclave
Has a quorum of votes in favour at 9-0 and is therefore enacted. -Purplebeard