Proposal: Ha! Ha!
4-11. Can’t be enacted w/o CoV.—Chronos
Adminned at 16 Dec 2005 03:37:49 UTC
Add to the end of the paragraph that begins “Some Protagonists are Idle” the following sentence:
“Idle Admins are not considered to be Admins.”
4-11. Can’t be enacted w/o CoV.—Chronos
Adminned at 16 Dec 2005 03:37:49 UTC
Add to the end of the paragraph that begins “Some Protagonists are Idle” the following sentence:
“Idle Admins are not considered to be Admins.”
For Rodney’s reason, not Elias’s. There’s no problem with Proposals that fix Law loopholes.
Maybe we should say that the only Admin game actions that Idle Admins may take are to unIdle themselves.
nothing would be worse than having all the admins go idle and not be able to continue play because of it.
A good idea. It is too powerful to be able to idle and de-idle yourself at will. I’ll propose a weaker version of this, since this looks like it will fail.
I also can think of several examples of idle admin still adminning things.
Furthermore, cayvie used his unidling power for good several times a couple of dynasties ago. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone abuse this.
Elias IX: