Proposal: Half Assassinated
Reached quorum 5 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 23 Jan 2015 23:18:33 UTC
Add a new dynamic rule to the ruleset. Call it “Drugged” and give it the following text:
An Android who has not done so may attempt to Drug another Crewmember as a weekly action. To do so, they send a private message to the Ship Computer containing exactly one phrase of the form “Drugging XXX to feel YYY” where XXX is a Crewmember (the Target) and YYY is an Emotion other than Disabled. If the Target is an Android, drugging them has no effect. Otherwise, the Ship Computer shall, within 24 hours of reading the message, make a blog post announcing that the Target has been Drugged, at which point the Target gains the named Emotion and loses all other Emotions with the same Nature.
Josh: he/they