Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Also, happy belated Thanksgiving to Canadians, happy early Thanksgiving to US Americans, happy early Hanukkah (or however you’re supposed to spell that) to Jews, merry early Christmas to non-Jewish US Americans, and happy early Christmas to non-Jewish non-US-Americans.

Okay, I think I got all the major holidays there.


ais523: Custodian

31-10-2009 18:50:28 UTC

The Brits among us are upset you didn’t mention Bonfire Night. (Not that it’s all that relevant anyway nowadays…)


31-10-2009 21:00:23 UTC

I’ve never heard of Bonfire Night.

redtara: they/them

31-10-2009 22:08:33 UTC

They light huge bonfires in celebration of Guy Fawkes’s attempt to blow up parliment.
You also completely skipped Easter, Kwanzaa, and several others.


01-11-2009 08:33:19 UTC

It’s also not Hallowe’en anymore, and hasn’t been for some time where /I/ am.

Thanks for the wishes, though.

redtara: they/them

01-11-2009 15:33:36 UTC

Excalabur: do you even celebrate Halloween in Australia?


01-11-2009 19:05:16 UTC

Excalabur is Australian?

And I have a 10-year-old cousin who grew up in Australia thanks to his dad being in the military, and he celebrates Halloween. However, he does have an American family…


01-11-2009 19:11:38 UTC

Also, looking at this post again, I realize that the USA needs a better demonym. “American” is too ambiguous as it could mean “of or relating to the USA” or “of or relating to the Americas”. “US American” sounds somewhat bad.

Therefore, I have settled on “Usan” from now on.


01-11-2009 19:13:37 UTC

One more thing: How do you use the IP to Nation utility anyway? Whenever I try, it says I’m not authorized.


01-11-2009 22:58:10 UTC

חנוכה is the proper spelling. Or, anything in english that vaguely sounds like it.


01-11-2009 23:09:33 UTC

DC: I’m not Australian, but I live there.


02-11-2009 00:47:25 UTC

∴ ∀x[Ex→Ax]

Where Lx means “X lives in Australia”, Ax means “X is Australian”, and Ex means “X is Excalabur”.


02-11-2009 05:22:36 UTC

Also, is it just me, or do the Hebrew letters Heth (×”) and He (×—) look very similar? Luckily, they make very similar sounds.

Also, it’s odd how in Hebrew they represent a final -a with a letter which normall represents /h/.


02-11-2009 20:23:25 UTC

Eid was a month and a half ago.  Kwanzaa starts on Dec. 26.

A co-worker of mine was reading her October calendar and noticed that Canadian Thanksgiving is in October.  She remarked about this, and I explained, “It’s because of the metric system.  Their months are longer.  Also, this is the reason why a Canadian dollar is only worth about seventy-five cents.”  She thought that this was perfectly plausible.

If memory serves, Queen Elizabeth II’s birthday is celebrated on different days in Australia and in New Zealand.

redtara: they/them

03-11-2009 01:09:20 UTC

The Queen has two birthdays anyway: one private and one public.


03-11-2009 01:13:44 UTC

@DC: The “-a” sound is not represented by the letter Hey (×”) which you confused with Het (×—). The -a sound is actually from a vowel under the ×› which you don’t see because Hebrew-speakers just assume you know what vowels ought to be there.

And a lot of Hebrew block letters look very similar, those 2 aren’t any more so than others.