Proposal: Hard work or hardly working
Times out 5-0 and is enacted -SingularByte
Adminned at 06 Sep 2022 04:31:19 UTC
Reword the first paragraph of Stations to:
Each Baron has a quantity of Attention which represents how many migrants they can directly manage to work their Stations. It is a non-negative integer and defaults to 3.
There exist a number of Stations, which are listed in this rule. At any time, a Baron can change the allocation of their Attention to the various Stations, provided that the amount of Attention allocated to all Stations does not exceed their total amount of Attention, nor the number of non-working Migrants they own. (Exception: Attention allocated to the Immigration Station and to the Concentration Station is ignored when calculating how many non-working Migrants are required here).
If the proposal Infrastructured failed, remove all instances of “non-working” from the text in Stations.
If it exists, replace the first paragraph of Infrastructure with:
There exist a number of different Infrastructures, each of which has a name (which is flavour text), a list of Resources representing its cost, an effect, an integer number of hit points, a non-negative integer maximum population, and a list of Migrants which occupy the Infrastructure. The number of Migrants in an Infrastructure’s list of Migrants can never exceed its maximum population. If an Infrastructure’s hit points would ever exceed their default value, they are instead set to their default value. At any time, a Baron may spend all the resources in an Infrastructure’s cost list from their personal Stockpile to Construct it by placing that Infrastructure in any unfilled slot in their Keep.
Migrants that a Baron owns may be freely moved by them between that Baron’s Stockpile and their Infrastructures.
Some Infrastructures are denoted as Manned in their effect, and Manned Infrastructures are not considered to have an effect when they do not have a number of Migrants equal to their maximum population inside. A Manned Infrastructure which has Migrants equal to its maximum population is said to be Fully Staffed. If a Manned Infrastructure says it is Manned with an Attribute, Migrants with an affinity of “Bad” in that attribute are ignored for the purposes of working out if that Manned Infrastructure is Fully Staffed. All Migrants in a Manned Infrastructure are considered to be Working Migrants.
The list of all Infrastructure can be found below:
To the start of the effect of Mine (if it exists), add “Manned with Power.” To the start of the effect of Lumbermill (if it exists), add “Manned.”
A Baron would never stoop so low as to do actual hard labour.