Sunday, January 26, 2025

Proposal: Harder to Snipe

Enacted popular, 5-1. Josh

Adminned at 27 Jan 2025 14:22:48 UTC

Change the first sentence of Heists {I} to:

If a rule defines an action as a Heist Action, a Participant (the “performer”) can attempt to perform that action by, in a single Dice Roller comment, specifying the action they want to attempt, indicating any changes that would occur to ruletext as a consequence, and rolling DICE48.

In Heists {I}, change the list of situations that cause attempts to perform Heist Actions to fail to (where “*” represents the start of a list item):

* The performer successfully performed a Heist Action that was not Swift.
* The performer gained a Target.
* The definition of the Heist Action being attempted was added to the ruleset.
* A word of ruletext that would be changed by that Heist Action was added to the ruletext or changed, except by a Heist Action performed by a member of the same team as the performer.

In Guesses {I}, change

A non-Mastermind Participant may set their Guess to any single word as a Daily Action.


A non-Mastermind Participant may set their Guess to any single word at any time, except for a word that was introduced into the ruletext (either by changing an existing word or by adding a new word) by a Heist Action performed within the previous 48 hours.

If the Mastermind named ais523 has a Guess, remove it. (This prevents my team from benefitting from a timing scam involving guessing “folkowing” while this proposal is pending, which wouldn’t be possible in the gamestate after the proposal succeeds.)


This is yet another attempt to reduce the extent to which the dynasty is about timing synchronization, taking yet another approach: it removes a number of possibilities for directly interfering with an attempt by the other team to score gradually over time, making such attempts harder to interfere with, and increasing the chance that a team can enact a complex plan despite the other team trying to interfere. (It may still be possible to interfere indirectly, or simply just to race.) Combining this with making it more difficult to reach Targets will hopefully lead to interesting gameplay that is no longer based around synchronization.

The requirement to specify exactly what you’re changing is added so that we can determine purely from the Dice Roller comment whether the Heist Action succeeded or not. The “performer” concept was added to make the rules easier to read and reduce wording corner cases (it isn’t related to my agenda, and indeed isn’t an EFF Word).


JonathanDark: he/him

26-01-2025 07:27:47 UTC

It’s a neat idea, but I wonder if removing the ability to mess with the opposite team’s strategy is too “core” to this dynasty and will remove an essential piece to making it interesting. It feels like it might reduce gameplay to independently solving Wordle puzzles.

For reference: Wordle

ais523: Custodian

26-01-2025 07:35:10 UTC

I don’t think the ability to mess with the other team’s strategy has been significantly used yet this dynasty (given that most wins have been done by timing synchronisation, leaving no ability to mess mid-sequence); and when sequences have failed halfway through the only attempts to interfere have been guessing (which is probably overpowered for the purpose) and racing. But the fact that that ability could exist is one of the things that’s making synchronisation a dominant strategy.

Interference will still be possible either this proposal, but you have to either do it indirectly (e.g. by changing the rules that the other team is relying on), or by intefering before the opponent’s strategy starts (guessing a word they haven’t changed yet but you think they might want to, or editing such a word yourself to reset the timer for attempts by the other team to edit it).

ais523: Custodian

26-01-2025 07:50:32 UTC

Oh, and something I forgot to mention: this also makes Spies and Double Agents more useful by making it matter more what team someone is on.


26-01-2025 14:56:33 UTC

for, though on an unrelated note I’m pretty sure Double Agent is broken (the “they skip the required DICE48 roll for that second Heist Action” is overridden by the Immutable requirement that a Participant rolls a DICE48, so the second Heist action immediately fails). I suppose you could Focus the first one to get around that

SingularByte: he/him

26-01-2025 16:06:42 UTC

@Habanero, I don’t believe Double Agent is broken. The rules declare that you can attempt a Heist Action by making the dice48 roll, but it makes no statement about the dice roll being a requirement, just that it’s how you can choose to attempt it. Double Agent simply provides a different pathway to doing so.

Raven1207: he/they

26-01-2025 16:21:22 UTC



26-01-2025 16:43:07 UTC

Fair enough

JonathanDark: he/him

26-01-2025 17:33:13 UTC


Brendan: he/him

27-01-2025 03:53:59 UTC
