Proposal: harmful items
Reached quorum 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 01 Mar 2018 08:52:44 UTC
add to the list of unusual supplies
earplugs: clothing (head). a resident wearing earplugs receives a -3 bonus to alertness and a +2 bonus to health.
loadstone: consumable. the user may put this item in a resident’s inventory of their choice. a resident with this item in their inventory gets a -1 bonus to alertness and cannot remove this supply until their inventory contains no iron items aside from loadstones.
change “Iron supplies are: Magnet, Crowbar, Nails, Lockbox Key, Knife and Radio.” to
Iron supplies are: Magnet, Crowbar, Nails, Lockbox Key, Knife, Radio and loadstone.
thought we could do with some negative bonuses
Kevan: he/him